Surveying the Method of Inference Generalizations by Implementation of Wisdom Rudiments
Subject Areas :
Private law
Vahid Zarei Sharif
1 - Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran
Received: 2012-11-27
Accepted : 2012-11-27
Published : 2012-11-21
Wisdom rudiments,
Expression status,
Symmetry value,
Abstract :
One of the most utilizations of inference tools of Orders in Islamic jurisprudence and law is to obtain the indication of word against generalization by wisdom rudiments. The current article reviews different aspects of that issue. Accordingly, the principal theories about the status of absolute words are reviewed and criticized. Between words of past and last people, five prefaces is obtained such as the whole aspiration form, asymmetry against encumbrance, lack of encumbrance value in terms of addressee, possibility of generalization and encumbrance and lack of refusal. Then each of mentioned prefaces was discussed according to the purpose of that preface, reliability of priority and the way of obtaining that. Finally by reviewing the theories and opinions of principles and their documentary proofs, it was ascertained that absolute indication is rational. So common symmetry or wisdom has just one condition, that is the speaker be in the form of expressing all his/her purpose and for the obtaining this preface, the use of rational principle of original expression is applicable.
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