Legal Analysis of the Time`s Role in Occurrence of a Crime, Determining a Penalty and its Execution
Subject Areas : Criminal Law and CriminologyYavar Jalaeyan Saleh 1 , Mehdi momeni 2 * , Ali Reza Sabrian 3 , Mohammad Rouhani Moghadam 4
1 - PhD., Department of Penal Law and Crimonolgy, Semnan Branch, Semnan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran.
3 - استادیار، گروه فقه و مبانی حقوق اسلامی، واحد سمنان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، سمنان، ایران
4 - Department of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran
Keywords: Criminal Liability, Role of Time, Occurrence of crime, Abolition of punishment,
Abstract :
This present paper has been written for the purposes of knowledge and evaluating the importance of the time`s role in committing a crime according to the legal view point; its data is collected by documentations method, and its data analysis is used with descriptive-analytical way. While examining the points of strength and weakness of the existing criminal statutes on the subject matter, it will be tried in this research to discuss the area of the concept of time requirements, its effect on the validity of penal code, lapse of time, analysis of relationship between time and criminal liability, the influence of time element on the punishment process and manner of adaptation a punishment to the time requirements, finally considering the relationship of time with some causes of punishment abolition. The results of this study states that the phenomenon of time and its requirements play a part, sometimes as a causative or procuring factor of a crime from a criminological perspective, and occasionally, its role is as a condition for the realization of the physical element of the crime, mitigating or aggravation of criminal liability and the factors of commutating, modifying, suspending or delaying the punishment from the criminal perspective.
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