Legal anad Jurisprudential Study of Strategies to Deprive the Heirs of the Estate
Subject Areas : Private lawMohammad Mahdi Alsharif 1 * , Seyyed Vahid Sadeghi 2 , Seyyed Majid Sadghi 3
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Law, University of Isfahan
2 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Private Law, University of Isfahan Isfahan, Iran
3 - MA in Private Law, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Peace, Will, inheritance, Condition in the contract,
Abstract :
Inheritance is one of the most important means of transferring property to heirs. Although the transfer by inheritance is forced and involuntary, sometimes the legator for some reason does not like the transfer of his property to one or more heirs. According to jurisprudence, the Iranian legislature has invalidated a will to be deprived of inheritance. But is there no legitimate way to deprive the heir of the legacy? In this article, we look at common solutions and their validity. The use of a peace contract and the condition as an integral are common formats for this purpose, some of which are valid and in some cases are hindered. Among the common solutions, the commitment to transfer the share of the inheritance after the death of the legator in the form of peace or condition as an integral is considered as an efficient and valid solution. A will to be deprived of inheritance can also be considered as a legacy will for another heir and can lead to the deprivation of the heir from one third. In general, it can be said that there is no solution that can deprive the heir of his inheritance completely without compromise.
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