Termination of companies in Iran's law and jurisprudence with a look at Imami jurisprudence
Subject Areas : Private lawHazhir Tak 1 * , Mohammadreza Pasban 2
1 - Doctorate in private law, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Private Law, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: company, companies registration, the Commercial Code of Iran, dissolution of companies, judicial procedures of Iran.,
Abstract :
In the commercial law, the bill to amend a part of it and the law of the cooperative sector with subsequent amendments, regulations for the registration of commercial companies and their subsequent changes, including the liquidation of companies, are foreseen. But based on the aforementioned sources, the liquidation of commercial companies means the arrival of the decline of their legal personality. Article 200 of the Trade Law considers liquidation of a company as one of the cases that must be registered in the Companies Registry and announced to the public within one month. Article 9 of the Commercial Law has again specified this. Article 205 of the Trade Law also considers it necessary to register and announce the names of liquidators. In addition to these provisions, according to Article 106 of the bill, liquidation of a joint-stock company and its liquidation are among the cases that must be notified to the company registration authority. Article 209 of the aforementioned law also makes it mandatory to record the decision regarding the liquidation and the name of the liquidators, and finally, according to note one of Article 54 of the Cooperative Sector Law, in terms of liquidation and liquidation, the cooperative company is subject to the commercial law, which according to the format it has chosen, The provisions of the bill are implemented with the commercial law. In this research, which was carried out by a descriptive-analytical method and a library-document collection method, by examining the practical procedure of the courts and the place of this importance in Imamiyyah jurisprudence, it was found that in Iranian law, it is mandatory to register and announce the liquidation of all commercial companies. However, the type of this requirement, which should be declarative or established and is based on reason, has not been examined from a jurisprudential point of view. Finally, it should be said that in Iran, according to the law and judicial procedure, the company registration authority in the matter of liquidation follows the declaration system, the basis of which has been neglected in jurisprudence and in legal education and needs to be investigated.
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