Legitimacy of spending zakat in financial claims of indigent debtors
Subject Areas : Civil jurisprudencemohamad heidary 1 * , mahdi jalalvand 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Shahid Mahalati University of Islamic Sciences, Qom, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Shahid Mahalati Higher Education Complex, Qom, Iran.
Keywords: Insolvent debtors, consumption of zakat, convicts, defendants, financial lawsuits.,
Abstract :
Insolvent debtors are people who do not have the money to pay their debts due to poverty and lack of money, except for the exceptions of debt. The procedure of financial lawsuits in the courts of Iran is in such a way that by proving the debt of the convicted, discounts are considered in paying his debt, such as dividing the debt of the convicted, and in some cases, the court decides to pay the debt in long-term installments. will give for the benefit of the poor. The current research has a scientific aspect, in a practical way to find an immediate solution to the scientific issue of the legitimacy of zakat consumption in the financial claims of the poor, in which the researcher himself is directly involved in order to reach an accurate conclusion, in order to apply a new method and It is more ideal for the rights of convicts to be used in the society and by taking advantage of verse 60 of Surah Mubarakah Toba, the legitimacy of spending zakat for the poor who are unable to pay their debts, it has been concluded that the poor can be an example of the poor, the needy and the needy. In the mentioned verse, he knew that by using zakat to pay their debts, it would lead to the realization of the rights of the convicted, reduce the time of the trial, relieve the burden on the debtors, and ultimately provide the satisfaction of the clients from the courts, and none of them has a preference over the other, and finally It is a circular matter of the steps of the conflict.
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