Jurisprudence and Legal Foundations Affecting the Joint Venture Contract in Technology Transfer
Subject Areas : Private lawfarhad shadman 1 * , حمید ابهری 2
1 - PhD student, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.
Keywords: Technology Transfer, Joint Venture, Technical Knowledge, Technology,
Abstract :
Joint Venture, as a key contract in international partnerships, has several features that determine the way these elements are set on the scope of technology transfer. Despite the familiarity of our legal system with joint ventures, the legal basis of technology transfer has not yet been clarified and this issue has caused that, unlike countries like Egypt, it has been difficult to formulate a comprehensive and specific law for technology transfer or at least be delayed. The success of the technology transfer process in the joint venture depends on the size and quality of the support provided by the legislator. In this regard, governments implement support strategies along with restrictive policies, and they have implemented several legal protections such as guaranteeing technology, non-discrimination, transferring the principle and profit of technology, avoiding double taxation, freedom in the form of capital transfer involving knowledge, accepting out-of-court dispute settlement, and sometimes even reducing import tariffs and equipment; A case that has not been seriously considered in the laws related to investment. Our legal system, apart from the Investment Promotion Law and Article 107 of the Fifth Development Plan Law, does not have a codified provision for organizing the transfer of technology either through a joint investment channel or transfer in the form of a special contract. Regarding the facilitating and encouraging effect of Article 107, it should be said that its interpretation brevity and ambiguities have prevented the article from playing such a role. In terms of jurisprudential foundations, the rule of negation of mustache, the principle of Islamic dignity, the necessity of gaining economic independence, and the generality of the permissibility of trading with foreigners, the rule of negation of harm and the rule of commitment, can be proposed as general bases in justifying the transfer of technology. And in terms of special foundations, the ownership of technical knowledge, the right to learn, the unity of the criteria inferred from the permissibility of mudarabah and farming with a foreigner, the non-exclusivity of the contract to specific contracts, the principle of the validity and capacity of the partnership contract in jurisprudence, the contract of make order can be cited in this regard, except in exceptional cases, the taste of Sharia and jurisprudence implies the permissibility and even the necessity of technology transfer. On the other hand, the limits and limitations of technology transfer are subject to the will of the parties, but the legislator can set limits on the transfer of technology in Joint Ventures based on expediency. Joint Venture includes obligations, among which are the condition of technology transfer, technology owner's commitment to training, submission of documents and disclosure of technical secrets to the partner, special conditions of Joint Venture, whose scope and quality have a significant impact on knowledge transfer. Therefore, considering the importance of the subject, in this article, an attempt was made to analyze and evaluate the jurisprudential bases and effective contractual conditions of Joint Venture in technology transfer in detail.
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