An analysis of the types and examples of the apostate in Salafist jurisprudence with a focus on Ibn Taymiyyah's point of view
Subject Areas : Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic LawHozehali bahrame 1 , maryamsadat hashemi 2
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Education, Ahl al-Bayt Faculty, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Doctoral student of Bano Mojtaheda Amin Institute of Higher Education, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Apostates, Ibn Taymiyyah, Salafis, infidels.,
Abstract :
Apostasy, which means leaving the religion of Islam, is one of the fundamental concepts that has become a challenging issue among theologians, jurists and commentators since the beginning of the formation of Islam. After the death of the Messenger of God, the first problem of the Caliph of the Muslims (Abu Bakr) was the attacks that started due to apostasy. Throughout the history of Islam, the concept of apostasy has become an argument for the discourse of Ahl al-Hadith and Salafism, and by using this concept, their opponents have accused themselves of apostasy and have committed many acts of violence and murder. In these days, the assassination of the apostate Salman Rushdie has once again raised the concept of apostasy in international news agencies. In the current situation, knowing the precise and far from distorted concept and nature of apostasy is a necessity. Based on this, the research is going to answer this specific question, who are the types and examples of apostates in the discourse of Salafists? With a document analysis method, he explored the Salafi texts focusing on Ibn Taymiyyah's point of view, and in the end he came to the conclusion that in the eyes of the Salafists, apostasy has a wide scope and includes many Islamic rulers and Islamic sects and sects, which has a significant meaning for the Islamic world. It is very harmful. Examples of apostasy range from denying the Most High in His Names and Attributes to attributing reprehensible attributes to mocking and mocking God and His Messenger. It includes the necessary denial of religion and the abandonment of prayer, as well as philosophers and mystics and many nobles and those who bow down to the rituals and festivals of Christians and associate with infidels and intercessors other than God.
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