Using SWOT Analysis to develop a strategy for the transfer of Intelligent Oil Fields Technology in Iran
Subject Areas : Industrial Management
Hajar Pouran Manjily
Mahmood Alborzi
Turaj Behrouz
Mohammad Seyedhoseini
1 - Ph.D. Student of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Industrial Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Head of the Upstream Faculty, Tehran, Iran
4 - Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Oil industry, strategy, technology transfer, intelligent oil field, SWOT,
Abstract :
Oil and natural gas are the main industries in the energy market and play a critical role in the global economy. This industry is improved due to technological advancements, and new technologies are applied for better exploitation and increased profitability. When dealing with shared oil reservoirs, the importance of this issue becomes more apparent. This paper describes a SWOT carried out to plan the strategy for the transfer of intelligent oil fields technology in Iran. Several potential solutions may be pursued to enhance the transfer and implementation of intelligent technology in Iranian oil fields. These may involve the establishment of oil field development contracts with neighboring countries to manage shared fields collaboratively, the avoidance of conflicts of interest in equipment supply contracts, the implementation of legal requirements mandating the adoption of intelligent field technology by oil companies, the provision of investment incentives, and the hiring of information technology and network specialists. By implementing these measures, it is anticipated that the overall efficiency and effectiveness of oil field operations in Iran will be significantly improved.
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