Performance Traits of Buffalo under Extensive and Semi-Intensive Bathan System
Subject Areas : Camelم.م. مومین 1 * , م.کا.آی. خان 2 , اُ.ف. می آزی 3
1 - Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University, Khulshi, Chittagong-4225, Bangladesh
2 - Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University, Khulshi, Chittagong-4225, Bangladesh
3 - Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University, Khulshi, Chittagong-4225, Bangladesh
Keywords: Management, Breeding, farming systems, buffaloes, performance traits,
Abstract :
This study was conducted to investigate the scenario of buffalo production and reproduction under different farming systems at Subarno Char, in the coastal area of Bangladesh. A total of 14 farms were randomly selected and studied for various traits live weight (LW); daily milk yield (DMY); lactation length (LL); lactation production (LP); calving interval (CI); gestation length (GL); post partum heat period (PPH); age at first calving (AFC) and service per conception (SPC) of buffaloes through pre designed questionnaire, direct observation and available records. The LW (372.31±14.64 kg) and DMY (1.99±0.16 liter/day/cow) were found to be highest under semi-intensive bathan farming systems than other systems, however, the LL (275.25±2.857 days) and LP (628.80±34.49 liter) were found higher under extensive bathan farming system irrespective of breeds. On the other hand, LW (390.54±14.06 kg), DMY (2.82±0.13 liter/day/cow), LL (284.96±3.31 days) and LP (899.75±52.83 liter) were higher in River type buffaloes than other types. The GL (305.37±0.72 days), CI (640.34±51.31 days), AFC (54.72±1.57 months) and SPC (1.62±0.21) were found lowest under semi-intensive bathan farming system, but PPHP (134.04±5.30 days) was found lowest under the extensive bathan farming system. The GL (301.74±0.63 days), PPHP (123.21±7.50 days), AFC (47.00±1.35 months) and SPC (1.40±0.16) were found lowest in River type buffaloes, but CI (660.31±43.82) was lowest in crossbred buffalo cows. The birth weight was highest (28.28±0.48 kg) under semi-intensive bathan farming system. Productive and reproductive performances of buffaloes under the study area found were moderate. The profitability of buffalo rearing under extensive farming system was higher than other. The findings of this study may assist farmers and policy makers in making decisions for future buffalo farming and undertaking the genetic improvement program to increase the milk production in Bangladesh.
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