Comparison of Different Irrigation Methods Based On the Parametric Evaluation Approach in Chikan and Mourzian Subbasin, Iran
Subject Areas : Environmental policy and managementMasoud Masoudi 1 * , Abdollah Ebrahimi 2 , Parviz Jokar 3
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Shiraz University, Iran
2 - Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering, College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz 71141-65186, Iran
3 - Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering, College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz 71141-65186, Iran
Keywords: Land suitability, Drop Irrigation, Gravity Irrigation,
Abstract :
Increasing world population has led to product more foods andcrops, while agricultural lands have been decreased. Then, itis necessary to use the maximum potential of these lands whichproduct maximum yield without any damage. To reach this objective,land suitability evaluation is the most important waythat can reach-this objective. The main objective of this researchwas to compare different irrigation methods based on a parametricevaluation system in an area of 100 ha in the Chikan andMourzian Subbasin of the Fars province, in the south of Iran.After preparing land unit map, 10 points were selected forsampling. Soil properties were evaluated and analyzed. Suitabilitymaps for drop and gravity irrigation were generated using GIStechnique. The result revealed land suitability of 71.9 ha (71.9%)of the case study was classified as permanently not suitable(N2) and 28.1 ha (28.1%) currently not suitable (N1) for gravityirrigation. On the other hand, land suitability of 47.3 ha (47.3%)of the case study was classified as permanently not suitability(N2), 28.5 ha (28.5%) currently not suitable (N1) and 24.3 ha(24.3%) marginally suitable (S3) for drop irrigation. The limitingfactor for drop irrigation was slope and for gravity irrigationwere slope and drainage.
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