Preferred Extension System for Sustainable Horticulture in Sari, Iran
Subject Areas : Education and trainingامیر احمدپور 1 * , Hadi Moumenihelali 2
1 - گروه ترویج و آموزش کشاورزی، واحد ساری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، ساری، ایران
2 - PhD Student. Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: private extension, sustainable horticulture, public extension,
Abstract :
Lack of understanding of the extension, education, and developmentpractitioners’ role and their contribution to sustainableagriculture is the main challenge of sustainabilityprojects in Iran. Accordingly, the aim of this study was toidentify the extension system that has been more successful insustainable horticulture. The population consisted of 22 pioneerfarmers that had used or are using the services and/or consultationsof both public and private extension experts in different ways.Based on census data, 20 farmers were studied. A questionnairewas used to collect the data. To determine the face and contentvalidity, a panel of experts and to assess the reliability, inconsistencyratio was used (IR=0.03). Based on the five sustainabilitycriteria, public extension system was identified as the superiorsystem in the improvement of the sustainability of horticultureactivities. Analytical hierarchy process based on the pair-wisecomparison and the combination of the relative weights ofsub-criteria and options showed that the public system ispreferred over the private system, especially in ecological,cultural, and social dimensions. Given the relative superiorityof the public extension system over the private extensionsystem, it is recommended to use private extension systemalong with the public system as a supplementary system so asto gradually pave the way for assigning the authorities and activitiesto the private sector. Then, we can hope for the full privatizationof agricultural education and extension system.
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