Talent Management in Agricultural Higher Education System in Iran: Based on Grounded Theory
Subject Areas : Education and trainingسیدمحمدجواد سبحانی 1 , Mohammad Chizari 2 * , Hassan Sadighi 3 , امیر علم بیگی 4
1 - PhD of Agricultural Extension and Education, Tarbiat Modares University
2 - Professor of Agricultural Extension and Education, Tarbiat Modares University
3 - Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension and Education, Tarbiat Modares University
4 - Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension, University of Tehran
Keywords: agricultural education, Grounded theory, Human resources architecture, talent management,
Abstract :
This study provides a framework and definition to the notion of talent management process and describes how it fits the human resources architecture of agricultural higher education system in Iran. This qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews for data collection and systematic grounded theory methods for data analysis. For this study, we selected and interviewed 15 experts of agricultural extension and education and human resources management by snowball sampling. Furthermore, we transcribed and analyzed the interviews and literature using the MAXQDA software. Using the systematic Grounded Theory Method, our findings suggest that equal treatment with talents and other staff was the main concern of the experts. Based on the results, organizational factors and human factors were involved to resolve this concern. In addition, with regard to the contextual and individual factors, the talent management process can play an important role in improving workforce and the organizational performance in agricultural higher education system.
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