Protection of Cultural and Historical Properties in International law with Review to ICC's Action in Mali's Case
Subject Areas : INTERCULTURAL STUDIES QUARTERLYhassan khosravi 1 * , farid Soltangheys 2
1 - associate professor in public law, PNU, tehran, iran
2 - Farid Soltangheys, Ph.D Student in International Law, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: International law, Cultural Property, Historical Property, International Criminal Court, Al-Mahdi Case,
Abstract :
Destruction of Cultural properties is one of the criminal conducts that occurs in domestic and International armed conflicts. In recent centuries, Spanning and intensification of this occurrence has been afford to be Response by International law. The Aim goal of this Article is evaluation of historical and Cultural properties protections in International Law and International Criminal Court's(ICC) Response to destruction of Properties during the Mali's Civil war. The article is figure on to show Guarantees of violation of Protecting Cultural and Historical properties especially in Mali case by Analytical descriptive approach. Finding of article shown that the international law has bright obligations and obliged States to protect Cultural and historical properties and in Many Instruments and Treaties Destruction of Religious, cultural and Historical Properties has been Forbidden. This is one of the War crimes Sense and Based to that in the First Case of ICC one of the accused of Destruction of Historical and Cultural properties Has been Convicted to nine years in prison.
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