Building Religious Culture in Social Network Instagram and Its Role in the Evolution of Religious Reference
Subject Areas : INTERCULTURAL STUDIES QUARTERLYReyhaneh Agharajabi 1 , Mohamadreza Rasouli 2 * , seyed Mahmoud Nejati Hoseini 3
1 - PhD student, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Construction, Religiosity Culture, Religious Reference, Multiple Reference, Traditional Reference,
Abstract :
This article started with the aim of studying the evolution of religious reference based on the dimensions of religious culture built on the Instagram network. The researcher, who had an inductive approach to the subject, specified his theoretical axes for data collection by emphasizing only two points, which are: religious pluralism does not cause exclusivity to disappear, and at the same time, only exclusivism in religion leads to acceptance. Religious reference will not lead. After reviewing the theoretical discussions about this and comparing it with the conducted researches, he collected the data based on the principles of netnography method (online ethnography). In the sampling section, 15 pages on Instagram that belonged to different religious views and were attributed to well-known people that included supporters and opponents of the religious culture ruling the society were selected. Of course, the number of followers of these pages was also one of the indicators of choosing the mentioned pages. In the data collection section, visual, written and audio posts were examined. The results of data analysis showed that religious culture has ritualistic, consequential, experimental, religious and moral dimensions. But the role of these aspects in the transformation of the position of traditional reference has not been to the same extent. In the dimension of rituals, traditional religious authority has a special place, but in the consequential dimension, the reference of reason and rational criticism is opposed to traditional reference and shows different views on the functions of religious culture. The diversity of religious experiences has contributed to the diversity of viewpoints in attributing experiences to traditional reference, and the position of traditional reference has been weakened in the empirical dimension. In the moral dimension, we are faced with two types of moral judgment and rational judgment, which defines the epistemological definitions of religion with multiple references. In the dimension of belief, multifaceted reference has been represented without affecting the basic axes of religion. Finally, four types of reference were identified in the types of reference-based religiosity, which include the disciple in mystical religiosity, Imams and follower authority in traditional religiosity, the standard of rationality in rationalist religiosity, and personal interpretation in self-referential religiosity.
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