The Search for "Self" and "Other" Inside the Adventures of Haji Baba'i Esfahani
Subject Areas : INTERCULTURAL STUDIES QUARTERLYJavad Mavizchi 1 * , seyed khodayar mortazavi 2
1 - PhD Student in Political Science, Islamic Affairs, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Discourse, Self, Qajar Era, other, occidental, Hajji Baba of Isfahan,
Abstract :
The “self" and "other" are hostile interpretation that in political and intercultural studies lead to the separation between different communities and identities. In Laclau E and Mouff C's Discourse theory, this concept has been interpreted by specific constraints, as the engines that drive a discourse, they show the inevitability of the function of resistance and hostility. The search for these two concepts in James Morier's novel is a central theme of this article. Especially that according to the author's oriental viewpoint of Iranian society (external look), this book points to considerable contexts in judging and culturing an alien image of Iranian culture and relationships.In this article, after defining and interpreting of "self" and "other", the position and importance of "The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Isfahan" are mentioned as an entry on study of Iranian political and social morals and ethics. After discussing these two topics, the different sides and proportions of "self" and "other" were extracted from the book and according to discursive approach, some of the exaggerations and attributions of this allegorical-fantasy story were evaluated by the actions and morals of the Iranians of the Qajar era. The results that explain intensification of some "self" and "other" and deepening hostile relationships in the form of this book, Representing these contradictions, while pointing to gap in cross-cultural understanding, has emphasized the need to cross over the concepts in the book and more accuracy in readout.
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