The Strengthening Criteria of Cultural Diplomacy in the Thoughts of Imam Khamenei
Mehdi Hedayati Shahidani
danyal rezapoor
ali golestani
ali eskandarinasab
1 - Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations, University of Guilan
2 - PhD in International Relations, University of Guilan
3 - Master of Indian Subcontinent Studies
4 - Graduates of Master of International Relations, University of Tehran
Keywords: Cultural diplomacy, Foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, cultural policymakers,
Abstract :
The Islamic Revolution has created a socio-cultural transformation in Iranian society that emphasizes cultural tools and dialogue in communication and interaction with other governments and nations. Based on the teachings of Islam, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, attaches a special role and position to cultural elements in the social and political spheres. By emphasizing the innate and divine values that are common to all human beings, he has sought to awaken and educate the people and create unity among Muslims based on universal cultural values. Also Iran and, of course, its foreign policy have always considered certain cultural, identity and ideological principles due to their combination of two rich identities and cultural backgrounds, "Iranian source" and "Islamic source". This article, after examining the capacity created through civilized and religious sources and other cultural components for the foreign policy and diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, deals with the type of view and position of cultural diplomacy in Ayatollah Khamenei's thought. The main concern of this article is to answer the question: "What are the criteria for strengthening cultural diplomacy in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran according to the instructions Ayatollah Khamenei?" To answer this question, this article; It tests the following hypothesis: "The components of power-creating civilization in the context of cultural diplomacy are the basis for improving the performance and realization of the goals of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the age of globalization."
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