Studying the Relationship of Factors Affecting the Participation of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Women's Access to Citizenship in Iran
Subject Areas : INTERCULTURAL STUDIES QUARTERLYnasi,osadat mahbobishariyatpanahi 1 * , abdolreza eftekhari 2 , leila falahati 3
1 - PhD student of Women's Studies, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor of Geographic Planning, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Women's Studies, Institute of Cultural and Social Studies, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Women, Social Factors, Economic factors, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s), Social Citizenship Rights,
Abstract :
Todays, NGOs, as the third pillar of society and the representative of civil society, play a crucial role in accessing socially excluded groups, including women, to their citizenship rights. The most important dimension of citizenship is social citizenship, which is closely linked to the public sphere. It seems that these organizations play an important role in facilitating women's access to their citizenship, although different factors can be effective in achieving this goal.The main aim of present study was to examine the effect of factors influencing the contribution of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in women's access to social rights in Iran. This research employed a quantitative approach and survey technique using questionnaire tools to assess the assumptions. The data were collected from three groups including 30 executive gender experts, 10 NGO's managers, and 319 audiences of NGOs who were selected through stratified sampling. A descriptive-correlation approach using Spearman correlation tests and multivariate regression by SPSS software (2020) were employed for data analysis. Findings revealed that social and economic factors affect the participation of non-governmental organizations in women's access citizenship in Iran.
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