Studying the Theoretical Traditions of Communication Sciences in Iran (A Meta-Analysis of Doctoral Theses in the Field of Communication Sciences at Allameh Tabatabai University, During the Last Decade )
mohammad javad Badinfekr
hasan bashir
1 - Ph.D. student of Culture and Communication, Imam Sadeq University
2 - Professor, Department of Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University
Keywords: meta-analysis, Traditions of Communication, Doctoral Theses, Allameh Tabatabai University,
Abstract :
From the beginning of the development of communication knowledge, the interdisciplinarity and fragmentation of this science has been the central issue of thinkers in this field, and so far, many efforts have been made to explain the interdisciplinary or even post-disciplinary nature of this science. The basic subject of this article is the study of the theoretical traditions of communication in Iran. The main question of this article is: What are the most and most important theoretical traditions used in doctoral dissertations in the field of communication sciences at Allameh Tabatabai University during the last decade?To answer this question, the theoretical framework of the "seven theoretical traditions of communication" from the perspective of Robert Craig (2007) was used. Also, using the meta-analysis method, 56 doctoral theses (all theses) have been examined. One of the important results of this research is that the most used theoretical traditions in Iran include: 1- socio-cultural tradition (30%) 2- critical tradition (25%) 3- social psychology tradition (24%) 4- tradition Semiotics (14%) - phenomenological tradition (3%) 6- cybernetic tradition (3%) and 7- rhetorical tradition (1%). Also, another result of this research is that 47% of doctoral theses of this university have made direct reference to theories, 5% have used theories as a research framework, and 48% have moved towards combining or building a new theory. As a result, it can be said that in the doctoral theses of Allameh University communication theoretical traditions are rarely mentioned.
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