The Influence of Contextual Variables on the Lifestyle of Iranian Diaspora in British Columbia, Canada
Pourandokht Taghaddosi
Nader Mohaghegh
Esmaeil Kavousy
1 - PhD student in Cultural Management and Planning, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
2 - Assistant Professor of Management, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch
3 - Associate Professor of Cultural Management and Planning, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
Keywords: integration, lifestyle, British Columbia, Diaspora,
Abstract :
Migration, in its large scale, can alter some of the host and host country structures. Because of these migrations, different societies around the world have multiple cultural patterns attributed to different ethnicities. On the other hand, this phenomenon also affects the cultural identity of the Diaspora and their lifestyle. Diasporas are a group of people who live far from their home country. They create their own lifestyle patterns and propagate it. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effect of contextual variables on the Iranian diaspora lifestyle living in British Columbia. In this study, we use Barry and Giddens' theories. The research method is sequential-explanatory design. The first stage was quantitative (questionnaire), and the second stage was qualitative (interview). The target population for this study was Iranian immigrants residing in British Columbia in 2018 (37166 people). The sample population was 380 sample immigrants. In order to select the studied samples in the first and second stages, the researcher had to use a "Purposive" and "Snowball" sampling method. The validity and reliability of the instrument were confirmed. SPSS software and Amos software were used to model the structural equations. The results showed that the role model among Iranians residing in British Columbia is the lifestyle integration/adaptation model, and all underlying variables, especially length of stay and marital status, played a mediating role in the immigrant lifestyle/adaptation mode Migration, in its large scale, can alter some of the host and host country structures. Because of these migrations, different societies around the world have multiple cultural patterns attributed to different ethnicities. On the other hand, this phenomenon also affects the cultural identity of the Diaspora and their lifestyle. Diasporas are a group of people who live far from their home country. They create their own lifestyle patterns and propagate it. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effect of contextual variables on the Iranian diaspora lifestyle living in British Columbia. In this study, we use Barry and Giddens' theories. The research method is sequential-explanatory design. The first stage was quantitative (questionnaire), and the second stage was qualitative (interview). The target population for this study was Iranian immigrants residing in British Columbia in 2018 (37166 people). The sample population was 380 sample immigrants. In order to select the studied samples in the first and second stages, the researcher had to use a "Purposive" and "Snowball" sampling method. The validity and reliability of the instrument were confirmed. SPSS software and Amos software were used to model the structural equations. The results showed that the role model among Iranians residing in British Columbia is the lifestyle integration/adaptation model, and all underlying variables, especially length of stay and marital status, played a mediating role in the immigrant lifestyle/adaptation mode
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