The Role of Motivational Aspects of Time Management on Creativity of Students at Tabriz University
Subject Areas : Creativity and innovation from psychological, epistemological, educational and pedagogicalRahim Badri Gorgori 1 * , Fariba Hosseini 2
1 - دانشیار روانشناسی تربیتی دانشگاه تبریز (نویسندة مسئول)
2 - کارشناسی ارشد روانشناسی تربیتی
Keywords: Creativity, time management, perceived control of time, tenacity, Preference for disorganization, and path Analysis,
Abstract :
Background: From a theoretical perspective, creativity has been defined as the production or generation of novel and valuable ideas, products, or processes by an individual or group. Creativity is a function of available time and is negatively related to time pressure experienced. Objective: This research was conducted to determine the relation between perceived control of time, tenacity, preference for disorganization with creativity of students at the Tabriz University. Method: Some 240 students from Tabriz University were selected by random cluster sampling method. Data was gathered through Torrance tests of creative thinking and Time management attitude and motivational aspects scale. Data was analyzed by AMOS software and with path analysis. Findings: The results showed that creativity was predicted directly by perceived control of time (β=0/22) and preference for disorganization (β= -0/18). In addition, results showed although direct effects of the tenacity on creativity were not significant, but it had indirect effect on creativity by perceived control of time (β= -0/09). Conclusion: The results suggest that perceived control of time and preference for organization may be necessary for the effective exploitation of creative ideas.