Designing business model evaluation model with social innovation approach
Subject Areas : OtherFatemeh Khorasanchi 1 , Narges Imanipour 2 * , Zahra Arasti 3 , Seyed Mojtaba Sajadi 4
1 - University of Tehran
2 - department of venture creation ، faculty of entrepreneurship, university of Tehran
3 - University of Tehran
4 - University of Tehran
Keywords: Business Model, Evaluation, Business, pattern, Social innovation,
Abstract :
The short life of business models has made the need for their continuous evaluation in the changing and complex conditions of these business days a vital need for businesses. With the expansion of businesses in responding to social needs, along with tracking business goals and developing the issue of social innovation, evaluating the success rate of business models in simultaneously responding to social and business needs is an important issue. In this regard, the current research seeks to design a model for evaluating business models with a social innovation approach. This research is in terms of practical purpose and in terms of the type of qualitative research and the method used in this research is a multiple case study and a constructive research approach. The research of 10 Iranian start-up businesses with innovation experience in business models and social innovation has been investigated. The designed model has 4 indicators for economic evaluation and 2 indicators for the social evaluation of business models in the form of 2 practical tools. These tools help managers and owners of start-up businesses in evaluating their business model with a social innovation approach.
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