Investing the concept of creativity and its educational implications in the Islamic thought
Subject Areas : Creativity and innovation from psychological, epistemological, educational and pedagogicalMohammad Nemani 1 * , Masoud Safaei moghaddam 2 , Mohammadjafar Pakseresht 3 , Mansor Marashi 4
1 - organization of education
2 - professor of university
3 - professor of university
4 - دانشیار دانشکده علوم تربیتی و روان شناسی، از دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز، اهواز، خوزستان
Keywords: ", ontology", , ", epistemology", , ", axiology", , ", creativity", ,
Abstract :
Investing the concept of creativity and its educational implications in the Islamic thought : abstract Context : Education is the most complicated domain of human's activities throughout history and in which transformation and achievement has been perpetual concerns . To succeed in this path, we must look at the effective, different sectors and factors of it. Creativity is, one of the prominent human features and is among the central issues of education. Aim : The present study asked to refer to the sources of Islamic thought, and then to conclude, describe, explain the concept of creativity and its educational implications . Methods: The research method in this study is "descriptive , analytical (interpretive). First, it looks at the meaning and concept of creativity. And by describing and analyzing it in Islamic thought , it infers its educational implications. Results: The results indicate virtue, importance and necessity of creativity, and significance of attention to it in education and training network . Man is not separate of his Creator , and each of his action is a kind of move strengthening and weakening the connection .Creativity is , whether within the area of thought or of action, is an existential topic , and it keeps man , in every moment and in a special way, to a longitudinal, lateral relationship to the whole universe . All kinds of cognition involved in this process has differences and levels, and any form of cognitive resources, tools has its peculiar effect in introducing and maintaining creativity . Moreover ,the real appearance, reliability, impact of creativity requires its coordination with the divine principles and values governing the universe . Conclusion : Understanding creativity into a good position, we will find out clarification and strength of its presence in the reasonable life and the good education . Psychology, Islamic thought and every field of science and knowledge, in various forms, insist on the need ,and remind its significance in the spiritual, material excellence and cultivation of human .
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