Assessment and Comparision of New and Old Texture of Iran Cities in Response to City Freindly Cities Indicators. Case Study: Joobareh Neighborhood and Sepahanshahr New Town
Subject Areas : architectureAli ghaffari 1 , Mahmood ghale noee 2 , Khashayar emadi 3 *
1 - retired professor of urban planning department, shahid beheshti university.
2 - assistant professor of urban planning department, art university of Isfahan.
3 - P.hD, candidate of urban design, shahid beheshti university.
Keywords: child, child friendly city, CFC indicators, Isfahan, assessment,
Abstract :
Children are more paid attention in this decade as one of the most important and vulnerable groups of society specially by introducing child friendly city (CFC) theory. Nonethelessare not enough paid attention in some new districts of cities and are less seen playing and activating in public spaces. This neglect of children in planning and designing environment is more intense in cities of Iran while the process is well activated in developed countries in all social, psychological and functional dimension. because of these reasons this paper attempt to recognizing advantages and disadvantages of old and new parts of cities focusing on CFC principles and indicators. The research methodology is primarily descriptive-historically (in gathering indicators and resulting them) and then field survey (considering the indicators in districts). To attaining the referred goals this research has proceed to collect and considering the principles and indicators of CFC in different scientific sources (including books, papers and scientific reports) and will reach to CFC indicators framework. In fact This indicators framework is produced by gathering all the indicators in a matrix and deducing the most repeated indicators from. these indicators as the main and most important indicators of CFC are: safety and security- access to natural green space- existence of open public spaces with various activities- access to main equipment, facilities and services including educational, health and sportive services- providing suitable public transportation particularly suitable bike and walkable routes- participation and giving value to children- existence of healthy environment without rubbish and all pollutants- providing fun and creativity environment for children. then some sub indicators are provided for each indicator to evaluating them more exactly. Each indicator has two sub indicator at least. In this paper two districts are studied and compared. First sepahan shahr that is one of the new towns of Isfahan which its residents have the most variety of cultures and nations in districts of Isfahan. The second district of this study is joobareh which one of the old and historical districts of city with residents who include low income people of city. These two case studies will be assessed and compared by these indicators and sub indicators vie AHP method to attaining child friendly environment. evaluating the impacts of indicators and sub indicators is done by negotiation among 10 urban design student which are aware of this research. At end disadvantages of total urban design and modern urban design will be understood by attaining the final consequence (introducing joobareh as more child-oriented district). In fact it can be resulted that one of the reasons of this result (less point of sepahan shahr about being child friendly oriented) is lacking of livability and friendly environment, a problem which one of its reasons is neglecting the basic needs of children, because absolutely the needs of children are needs of other class of society and perhaps the reason of this matter is total urban designing of this new town, a problem that has not been occurred in joobareh by slow evolution of this district during the centuries.