Efficient System Design for Urban Construction
Subject Areas : architecture
1 - Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas Branch, Iran.
Abstract :
Observation of cities with increasing problems such as population density, poverty, unemployment, shortage of housing, inadequacy of service catering, lack of infrastructures , environmental pollutions, economic inefficiency and onset of social abnormality and deviation from social norms, which all of these will create mental apprehension and anxiety for experts and urban planners engaged in city construction , and urban management . Also, this issue will cause concern and tension for the main users of the cities, the urban dwellers, in other words the people. Surely, they all want to know what are the reasons behind all these inefficiencies of the models and patterns rendered and are eager to find a solution for this complication and problem. The purpose of this research is to examine the weak points and failure of urban construction managers in fulfillments of implementing their methods of urban construction management. In carrying out this survey, the writer has benefited from various system design of urban construction of various developed countries adaptability and application such rules where applicable. The result of this survey revealed that with status quo, the inadequacies and complications existed in the cities were the main causes of inefficiencies of housing and urban construction system within the country. Therefore, highlighting the need for better urban design, it seems that the present urban planning system requires undergoing major changes by revising laws and regulation and codes of practice in architecture and building design. Utilizing building quality assurance, maintaining neighborhood citizenship and civil rights and adaptability of construction codes of practice with achievable and accessible urbanization norms and standards are the other essential elements for good urban design system. Sets of urbanization parameters and factors of every country are function of systems prevailing that country. Even though, in the urban planning all countries try to follow and observe similar and specified rules and regulations and prepare their tools for implementing such rules in accordance with general principles. But, having different political , social , and economical structures in every country , they have different distinguished features which differentiate them from each other. Good urban design is essential if we are to produce attractive, high-quality, sustainable places in which people will want to live, work and relax. It is fundamental to our objective of an urban renaissance. We do not have to put up with shoddy, unimaginative and second-rate buildings and urban areas. There is a clamor for better designed places which inspire and can be cherished, places where vibrant communities can grow and prosper.
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