Design Strategies for Orphanage with the Aim of Increasing Place Attachment in Isfahan
Subject Areas :
samira bahmanyar
Narges Dehghan
1 - M.A. in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
2 - Assistant professor, Department of Architecture, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.
Received: 2020-12-28
Accepted : 2021-05-30
Published : 2022-06-22
Social Bonding,
Place Identity,
Place attachment,
Abstract :
Children are the most vulnerable individuals getting the worst effects of crises and conflicts happening around the world. Child population makes up 2.2 billion of 7 billion world populations, and 143 to 210 million of this population are orphaned. This number reaches 10,000 in Iran. Also, in Isfahan province, 1100 children in the age group under 18 are kept in welfare centers, of which only 480 are in suitable orphanages. According to statistics of the State Welfare Organization in Iran, Isfahan has sixteen orphanages, the majority of which are buildings regardless of place attachment. Among the existing ones, two buildings are operating with the change of the school building or the old residential building, which do not have the necessary quality in order to increase the place attachment. Place attachment, which is one of the most basic elements in the design of children's spaces, especially orphans, is a challenge that faces very few resources. However, researchers studied the relationship between children with a general view and their impact on location, place identity, and social bonding in the case of orphans. But a building to increase place attachment is very rare for orphans in the city of Isfahan, also orphans Isfahan have not been studied due to recognizing their environmental psychology’s needs. In this regard, research is necessary to achieve design strategies that need to respond to child psychology. In connection with the existing orphanages in Isfahan, design strategies for places that are usually limited and insufficient have been considered. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to use the components of place attachment (place dependence, place identity, and social bonding) to achieve design strategies to increase the attachment of orphans in Isfahan to their living space. Using a sequential-exploratory mixed research method, this article gathered and analyzed data in four stages. First, content analysis of library sources was used to determine the three main components of place attachment: social bonding, place identity, and place dependency. Then, four phases of the research process were completed: participatory observation, mental picture analysis, and Semi-structured interview. The findings indicate that organizing private and public open spaces promotes social interaction. Making a memory and paying attention to the child's privacy lead to place attachment. Often, by creating space with the aim of experiencing the environment, the place's identity is enhanced. Moreover, the present paper has demonstrated that place dependence is directly related to the length of time the children stay in that environment and their memories they gained. And of course, increasing children's social interactions with social activities in an environment with favorable spatial diversity is effective in eliminating children's anomalies and increasing their attachment, and by designing workshops to cultivating every child’s talents the identity of each child's place will rise and also experience of each space by himself and increasing excitement in the child will increase place attachment. Also, using tools that the child has designed or made; in-home furniture; increases the child's confidence and increases place attachment.
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