The Effect of House facade Signs on the Stigma of Resident`s Socio-Economic Status (Case Study: Tehran municipal district 4)
Subject Areas : architectureAli Sharghi 1 * , Esmail Zarghami 2 , Mehrnaz Ramzanpour 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban planning, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban planning, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University,
Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD. Candidate, Faculty of Architecture and Urban planning, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training
University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: labeling, signs, stigma, Facade, Prestige,
Abstract :
The housing facade shows the social, economic, and cultural characteristics of its inhabitants through the complex system of "signs" and it forms a stereotyped image in the audience`s mind. On the other hand, people with lower socioeconomic status are constantly being stigmatized. This study aims to find the relationship between the objective factors of the residential facade and the stigma. In this regard, residential facades of Tehran's District 4 were investigated using a compound research method. First, theoretical bases and the conceptual framework of the research were compiled by the library method. Then, using a survey method, 40 residential facade images were judged in terms of the perception of the income group of their inhabitants by 203 citizens. Also, a questionnaire containing residential facade visual factors was presented to the citizens to assess their impact on the perception of the prestige of the building. The factor analysis of the data provided five effective factors in the perceived prestige of the house facade: 1) Design of the Facade: This is the factor that determines the first and determines the perceived validity of the residential view. It can be defined as follows: The design factorsare the design of the walls of the building, the lighting of the facade and the design of the balcony. With these three faces, they upgrade a residential prestige in terms of design. 2) Building Dimensions and Detail of facade: One of the value aspects of housing is the dimensions and details of the facade, due to the decorations and details of the materials, the width of the facade (the ground) and its height and cleanliness. The facade is provided. It is deduced that clearness is due to its influence on the perception of details of materials and decorations in this group. Therefore, to be considered a housing facade of residents of high socio-economic class, attention to the dimensions and details of the facade and its elements is necessary. 3) Material and Opening: This factor is obtained through the shape of the window, the color of the glass, the shape of the input, and the kind of the material. Therefore, the materials and shapes of openings play an important role in shaping the perceived value of a home. 4) Balcony feature: This factor is provided with the presence of the balcony and its dimensions and the darkness and illumination of the materials. So, for facade accreditation, attention should also be paid to the balcony features. 5) Visual disturbance: Visual disturbance is achieved by factors such as window count, imbalance, and artificial adjoining elements. This factor is the last in shaping the perceived credibility of a viewpoint that has been taken into consideration by citizens in value judgments. The images were also categorized into five faces by the respondents, thereafter a final analysis and strategies for reducing the stigma of the lower group housing were presented. This research can be a step in creating social interactions between different income groups in heterogeneous neighborhoods.
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