Evaluation of the Effect of Applied Research Design on the Process of Architectural Design Studios(Case Study: Design 1 of Architecture’s Students, Master Degree)
Subject Areas : architectureSima Rezaei Ashtiani 1 , Jamal-e-Din MahdiNejad 2 *
1 - Ph.D. Candidate. Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanization, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Architecture Department, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanization, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Design Process, Architectural studios, Design quality, Design research, Architecture education,
Abstract :
Research by design is an appropriate and also necessary approach for future architectural design. This article deals with the relationship between research and architectural design process. The purpose of this research is to use applied one, to create the interaction between theory, practice and optimize the learning process. This research is a practical way of how to use design in research, and it attempts is to answer the question how research is conducted to maximize the use of information or data collected also how does this method affect the quality of student's performance during the design process. The paper attempts to collect data on research on architecture and the relationship between research and the design process in various sources also interpretation that different designers and researchers have done, and to analyze and summarize previous studies, a model for applying research in the training architectural design was achieved then examined this method in the course of architectural design education. This model can provide a new insight into the relationship between research and design process of architecture. In order to apply the type of research in the model, Milburn & Brown classification were used and intrinsic research, case studies and combined studies were investigated in different groups.The test was carried out using a quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical target in this study can be used to encompass all architecture students who are undergoing architecture design course. In this method, the dependent variable was measured one time before the independent variable was manipulated, and again after. In this research, independent variable, proposed design process and dependent variable, design quality and student performance. The data of the study were gathered by qualified judge panel using functional evaluation and scoring method. The test of this model was carried out at the architecture studio.In this study, 48 master degree students has been analyzes in two semester. The work of students in different groups as well as their projects with them was evaluated and compared five times in different stages of the design process, in order to compare student design performance and design quality. The student's assessment scores were analyzed by ANOVA test. The findings of this study indicates that superiority of using combined research in this specific model. Based on the findings of this study, there was a significant different between the groups that were based on the designed model and the test group showed better performance and quality of students projects based on this model. In selecting the type research, the mean sources of the case group were higher than the library, and the significant difference between the combined group with the library group and case study indicates the superiority of using the combined research. Another issue was the type of that, according to Kolb’s learning classification, learning in the control group is through the learning by experiencing; in the library study group, learning by thinking and in the case group, it was conducted through learning by observation.
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