Exploring the Impact of the Structural Pattern of Residential Areas (Villas and Apartments) on (Face-to-Face) Neighborly Interactions in Neighborhoods (Case study: Naft sector, New site, Zaytoun karmandin and kianpars in Ahvaz City)
Subject Areas : architecture
Hamed Hayati
neda arzani birgani
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Technical and Engineering Faculty, Qom University, Qom, Iran.
2 - PhD Student in Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Keywords: Neighborhoods, residential contexts, neighborhood relations, Ahvaz metropolis,
Abstract :
One of the prominent features of cities in developing countries is that the rate of urbanization is increasing rapidly and the desire of people to live in cities is increasing, which is the expansion of urbanization, the increase in the population density of cities and the resulting tensions. It has caused urban spaces and citizens to face many problems. According to Hamadi, choosing a house in the cities has caused many changes in social relations and people's daily life. These simple transformations in the urban territory have caused a change in the lifestyle and behavioral pattern of the residents of the urban areas and especially the network of social and neighborhood relations. Neighborhood relations can be defined as a subset of social relations that are created between two or more families together, and these relations are a part of the quality of life that met many needs in pre-modern conditions. Even now, there is often such a feeling in cities and neighborhoods that have deep and extensive neighborly relations. Who we live with is socially and culturally important because it affects our quality of life. Human beings are inherently social creatures, driven by the innate desire to engage with a diverse range of individuals and actively participate within their communities. Neighborhoods and neighborhood units are a reflection of this approach. These neighborhood units, established with the objective of fostering a sense of community and enhancing social connections, assume a paramount significance in cultivating and refining this indispensable attribute. The neighborhood and the interaction of neighbors in the neighborhood have been one of the most fundamental concepts in architecture and urban planning for a long time. The lack of neighborhood interactions and the change in lifestyle and behavioral patterns of residents in cities have established the basic structure of this research. This research aims to examine the relationship between the physical structure or framework of the neighborhood and the amount of face-to-face interactions in the neighborhood. The existing research is descriptive-analytical and quantitative-qualitative in terms of its applied purpose, nature, and data collection methods, and a correlational research method has been used. Data collection was done through library research and field methods (questionnaires). According to Morgan's table, questionnaires were distributed among 394 people in four neighborhoods of Ahvaz city (Shahrek Naft, Newsite, Zeitoun Karmanani, Kianpars), which were presented in closed form and Likert scale. The data collected for this study was analyzed using SPSS software. To measure the adequacy of the sample, KMO and Bartlett tests were employed. The findings were also examined using statistical methods such as Cronbach's alpha correlation coefficient, variance test, and Pearson test. The results of the variance test indicate a significance level of 0.001, suggesting a significant difference between the questionnaire findings in villa neighborhoods (New Site, Shahrak Naft) and apartment neighborhoods (Zeitoun Karmandi and Kianpars). A Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.586 indicates that there is a direct relationship between two variables. Specifically, the face-to-face relationships increase in villa neighborhoods, while they decrease in apartment areas.
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