“ Faramoshkhaneh”: The first political community in Iran in Qajar time.
Subject Areas : Epistemological and methodological researcher of historical research
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Keywords: political societies, Mirza Malkam khan , Faramoshkhaneh , , Ghanoon news paper , Naser-al-din shah,
Abstract :
The emergance of parties, in the World and European countries, dates back to almost 200 Years ago, but in Iran it is not over 100 years old. Although many domestis writers, don’t regard the pre-Reza shah era parties as real ones ( Except for the communist party). given the definitions of party presented by foreign writers one can say that parties in Iran came into existance simultanously with the inaunguration of parliament election activities. Before the constitutional movement, same political assemblies and organizations such as “Faramosh khaneh” , “Anjomane- melli” , “Jame- Adamiyat” , “Anjomane- makhfi” and “Anjomane- okhorate” existrnce playing a political role in the society, but due to the absence of unity and solidarity in the parties as well as specific charter to determine their strategy with face of foreign and domestic politics, they can not taken as true parties. In the first parliament of nation council, no party was formed, thank to the suffocation ruling the country which gave led a find way to the closing down of parliament in begining the Mohamad Ali shahs despotism.