Ash'ari exact role of ideas in relationship with the caliphate system Alebouyeh
Subject Areas : Epistemological and methodological researcher of historical research
morteza soltani
vali abolhasani
1 - کارشناس ارشد تاریخ اسلام
2 - کارشناس ارشد تاریخ
Keywords: Buyid, Abbassid caliphate, Ash'ari, Baghelani, Baghdadi. ,
Abstract :
The buyid's Moezzed - Dowleh took Baghdad as his possession and sometime later, he discharged khalifat- almostakfi. The Buyid's period, regarding that government power and also lack of religious dogmatism originated from lack of being duty- bound to the regulations, created a glorious period and calm environment for learned people and different religions in order to express their thoughts. In this era, some remarkable speakers from three verbal schools such as Ashari, schismatic (Motazeleh) and shittee appeared in Baghdad and other Buyid's territories. The thoughts of these speakers, despite being a vindication of religious believes of the mentioned schools, were not ineffective on the behavior and reaction of the Buyid's rulers and Abbassid caliphs and their political thoughts were as the guidance or as an explanation of the rulers' behavior in service for governors. These men of thought were functionally in the service of rulers beside giving methods to the rulers in different conditions and each one of them undertook some responsibilities in tax systems of Buyid's and Abbassid caliphate. Their thoughts were effective on people's viewpoint about governors as a legal or illegal ruler.