Formation of collective memory cents in the first Pahlavi period (Iranshahr and Ayandeh publications)
Subject Areas : Epistemological and methodological researcher of historical researchHOSAIN MANSOORI MOTLAGH 1 * , mehdi najafzade 2
1 - PhD student of political science Ferdowsi University
2 - Associate Professor of Political Science, Ferdowsi University
Keywords: Pahlavi I, collective memory, national historiography, Ayandeh magazine, Iranshahr magazine,
Abstract :
Emphasizing the understanding of national historiography and using the theoretical model of Halbovax, this study has studied why and how to strengthen and highlight the collective memory of Iranians of the first Pahlavi era by the publications of that time - emphasizing Ayandeh and Iranshahr. Unlike traditional historiography, where there is no need to strengthen and highlight collective memory, national identity-based historiography prioritizes the strengthening and highlighting of collective memory, and populism is one of its main characteristics. Prominence means reminiscing, manipulating the past, taking a similar look at discrete history, interpreting it for the identity system, linking it to current developments, and using it for nationalism. The research findings show that these publications, with a kind of popular national historiography, like to highlight the centers of the past, strengthen common traditions of being Iranian for all, and critique traditional historiography in order to create a new identity. They were for the age of the nation-state. The research method is historical and descriptive-analytical, based on archival documents.