Metropolis of Athens and an outlook on its intellectual, political and economic development (800-500 BC)
Subject Areas : Epistemological and methodological researcher of historical researchبهرام دلپاک 1 * , کریم سلیمانی 2
1 - garatude/sbu
2 - profeesor/sbu
Keywords: metropolis, Athens, Agora, Cleistens,
Abstract :
Metropolis of Athens and an outlook on its intellectual, political and economic development (800-500 BC) Abstract: Metropolis of Athens and an outlook on its intellectual, political and economic development (800-500 BC) Abstract Without a doubt, the formation of metropolises is one of the characteristics of Greece Civilization. In fact, it can be the beginning of the formation of political and cultural relations and a connecting point between semi historical-legendary events of Homer era and Greek history in Cleistens era. Athens, as an example among these metropolises had a significant role in intellectual, social and political development in Greece. Geographical factors, tolerance in religious beliefs, immigration and communication with other civilizations, and changes in the political foundations of the government were factors that caused Athens to reach the most perfect form of government in its intellectual, political and economic aspects. This article aims to analyze the role of these factors, and to achieve some results based on them. Keywords: metropolis, Athens, Agora, Cleistens, immigration, reforms