The political thought of Khawarij Abazieh and its achievement
Subject Areas : Epistemological and methodological researcher of historical researchMohammad Hossein Noormandipour 1 , mahbobeh esmaeili 2 *
1 - PhD student of Islamic history, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of History, Islamic Azad University of Shahroud
Keywords: : Khawarij, political thought, Abazieh, Maghreb, social system,
Abstract :
Who among the survivors of the early days of Islam is the Abazia sect, whose active activism in history has not been unrelated to the Abazia epistemological system in the field of politics. Abadhi's thought, which includes an intellectual evolution and the product of the process of moderation of the extremism of the Khawarij leaders, by interpreting a period of the history of life and struggle (including: concealment and emergence, purchase and defense) tried to emphasize the necessity of realizing an ideal government, the Khawarij society keep it active and capable.
This research, by using the descriptive-analytical method, aims to explain a part of the political and social theory of the Abazia and raises a question that what has been achieved by the political theory of the Abazia of the Maghreb? The answer is that the Kharijites of Abazia, by periodizing the course of their struggles and social and political activism and the objective realization of some of their social opinions such as the establishment of the Ezaba Majlis, succeeded in presenting a practical picture of the Kharijite rule in the Maghreb, even after the fall of Bani. Let them continue. The fact that Abazia's political thought has included the evolutionary stages of Imamate in political and social dimensions can be one of the fundamental reasons for their continuity and survival. Because in this way, they have not benefited from the presence of Imam in their society in any period.
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