The Structure of the Teacher Training System in Quchan during the First and Second Pahlavi Eras
Subject Areas : Epistemological and methodological researcher of historical researcheshrat davoodi 1 , رجبعلی وثوقی مطلق 2 *
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Keywords: : Quchan, Darolmoallemin, Darolmoallemat, Teacher Training, Preliminary College, First and Second Pahlavi,
Abstract :
The establishment of modern schools in Iran has no definitive date, as some believe it began with religious schools established by American missionaries in Azerbaijan, while others point to the founding of Darolfonoon School. However, it's clear that the first teacher training center in Iran was established in 1297 AH. The first teacher training center in Quchan County was established in 1323 AH with 25 students. This center was called the "Assistant Teacher Class". In 1346-1345 AH, a girls' teacher training center and two preliminary college classes were added to this center . However, in 1349 AH, it was dissolved and replaced by a boys' college. The main question is what was the structure and role of teacher training centers in Quchan during the first and second Pahlavi periods? Given the nature of the topic, the research method in this study will be descriptive-analytical. In terms of data collection, library and field methods will be used. The purpose of this research is primarily to answer the main question. In light of this, it aims to examine and analyze the structure of the educational system and the evolution of the teacher training system, which is one of the important parts of society, and its impact on student education. The results of this research indicate that these centers in Quchan have had ups and downs, and the issue of teacher training has not yet been resolved. Many schools face a shortage of teachers.
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روزنامه ها و مجلات
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