Survey of the six Pens in the evolution of Islamic writing
Subject Areas :
mohammad taghi fazeli
abdolaziz movahed
1 - Department of history , shoushtar unit, islamic azad university shoushtar,shoushtar ,Iran
branch,shoushtar Iran
2 - islamic azad university of shoushtar .shoushtar unit iran
Keywords: calligraphy, sux pens, ibn moghle,
Abstract :
At the beginning of the Abbasid state) of 132-656. AH) flourished Calligraphy market. and for fancy and beauty, was found several ways in writing. The types of Kufic writing was more than fifty different .And the first Nask writing found a large variety because of the font size and writing formation that wasn’t to recognize and read and write all of them easy task.At this time appeared fonts or methods brighter and better. That the writing are known six pens.Abu Ali mohammad ibn Ali ibn e Hussein Abdullah Baydawi Shirazi (272- Shawwal 328 AH / March 886 AD -940, wellknown as Ibn Moghleh, scholar, calligrapher and Abbasid minister and the inventor of the six different pens .in fact, Ibn Moghleh distincted this writing between the different writings and made them regularly.He created first interlaced Kufic script and first Nask writing and the new initiative, creations six pens. First, he created simple linear and legible and it called (mohaqaq) and it was made regularly .. Then,he succesd In shaping and creating the Nask writing.and after them ,he invented to shape the Ragha and Toghih writtings. Most of scholars,regarded Ibn Moghleh whom the first initiator and originator of Islamic calligraphy as an art that After him , his students learned his way and in particular,they brought the Sols writing to perfection . keywords: sux pens, ibn moghle, calligraphy