Genetic and relational science in Islamic civilization; Opportunities and challenges
Subject Areas :
mehdi bigdeli
sayed Abolfazl Razavi
Reza Shabani samgh abadi
1 - PhD Student in History, Department of History, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Iran
2 - Supervisor, Associate Professor of History, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of History, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Religion, Genetics, Di. Ann. DNA (Archeology), Archeology. Islamic civilization,
Abstract :
One of the sciences that has a profound impact on archeology, history, anthropology, and anthropology, and which presents 'anthropology' with serious opportunities, contexts, or challenges, is 'genetics'. Genetic science and DNA discovery are the beginning of a major breakthrough in the fields of life sciences and related sciences. The paper evaluates the approaches and opportunities for advancing genetics in the face of genetics, with the question of how genetics can be useful and helpful in relativistic research. Using empirical in vitro methods such as DNA on the chromosome y and mitochondria to determine ancestry with new ways of identifying anthropologically-based identities by complementing and refining data to better understand our history or to help better identify communities. Research has shown that genetics can be used in the future, and new relationships will emerge in accurate understanding of history based on relational knowledge. Key words: Genetics, Religion, Y chromosome, Di. Ann. DNA (Archeology), Archeology