Application landscape genetic in conservation and management of wildlife
Subject Areas : Water and Environmenthamidreza kabiri balajadeh 1 * , Hamid Reza Rezaei 2
1 - MSc, Natural Resources Engineering - Habitat and Biodiversity, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and reserch Branch, Tehran, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences a Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran.
Keywords: Landscape Genetic, Conservation, Wildlife Management,
Abstract :
Nowadays The habitat fragmentation is a major problem in environmental protection. Maintaining connection between habitats, a point of attractive in ecology and conservation of biodiversity and genetic. In this article, the Application landscape genetic in conservation and management of wild life will be Surveyed.landscape genetics new field of study is combinted of landscape ecology, population genetics and Spatial statistics. Landscape genetic is widely used in conservation biology. Landscape Genetics can also be used to assess the effectiveness of landscape conservation projects that are currently used. For example, the effect of structures in rivers on fish populations can be estimated and the differences in the methods of their connection are evaluated. On the other hand, landscae genetics can be used to plan a new conservation and management project. Different study methods exist in the land scape genetic species, which the land suitable for for the selection of suitable landforms for species. can be selected Including the various software and statistical methods, molecular markers and genetic methods for species used the landscape. therefore, the landscape genetics can be used as a suitable method for designing and controlling conservation and management measures for amphibians, reptiles, insects, birds capable of flying, plants and freshwater fish.
- Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL Landscape genetics: making the invisiblevisible2012
- Manel S, Schwartz M, Luikart G, Taberlet P. 2003. Landscape genetics: combining landscape ecology and population genetics. Trend in Ecology and Evolution 18(4):189-197.
- Holderegger R, &Helene H. Wagner 2006 A brief guide to Landscape Genetics
- Keller D, Van Strien MJ, Ghazoul J, Holderegger R. 2012a. Landscape genetics of insects in intensive agriculture: new ecological insights.
- Turner, M.G. R. H. Gardner and R. V. O'Neill 2001. Landscape Ecology in Theory and Practice. Springer-Verlag, New York, Ny, usa
- Forman, R.T.T. 1995. Land Mosaics: The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
- Malekian, M. Hemami, H.R. (2012) Fundamentals of conservation biology
- Emaresi G, Pellet J, Dubey S, Hirzel AH, Fumagal i L. 2011. Landscape genetics of the Alpine newt (Mesotriton alpestris) inferred from a strip-based approach. Conservation Genetics 12:41-50
- Segelbacher G, Cushman SA, Epperson BK, Fortin MJ, Francois O, Hardy OJ, Holderegger R, Taberlet P, Waits LP, Manel S. 2010. Applications of landscape genetics in conservation biology: concepts and chal enges. Conserv Genet 11:375-385.
- Kamm U, Gugerli F, Rotach P, Edwards P, Holderegger R. 2010. Open areas in a landscape enhance pollen-mediated gene flow of a tree species: evidence from northern Switzerland. Landscape Ecology 25:903-911.
- Malekian, M.2010. Molecular ecology. Iranian Academic Center for Education،Culture & Reserech Mashhad
- Naghavi, M. Ghareyazie, B. |Hosseini Salekdeh, G.H. (2005) Molecular Markers.Tehran University Press. P.320
- Braunisch V, Segelbacher G, Hirzel A. 2010. Modelling functional landscape connectivity fromgenetic population structure: a new spatially explicit approach. Molecular Ecology 19:3664-3678
- Murphy MA, Evans JS, Storfer A. 2010. Quantifying Bufo boreas connectivity in Yellowstone National Park with landscape genetics. Ecology 91(1):252-261.
- Angelone S. 2010. Are differences in fitness traits related to genetic clusters? An empirical test on the European tree frog. Biological Conservation 143(2):471-478.
- Apodaca JJ, Rissler LJ, Godwin JC. 2012. Population structure and gene flow in a heavily disturbed habitat: implications for the management of the imperilled Red Hills salamander (Phaeognathus hubrichti). Conserv Genet 13:913-923
- Bonte D, Breyne P, Brys R, Peña E, D'hondt B, Ghyselen C, Vandegehuchte ML, Hoffmann M. 2012. Landscape Dynamics Determine the Small-Scale Genetic Structure of an Endangered Dune Slack Plant Species. Journal of Coastal Research 28(4):780-786.
- Pavlova A, Amos JN, Goretskaia MI, Beme IR, Buchanan KL, Takeuchi N, Radford JQ, Sunnucks P. 2012. Genes and song: genetic and social connections in fragmented habitat in a woodland bird with limited dispersal. Ecology 93(7):1717-1727
- Castilho CS, Marins-Sá LG, Benedet RC, Freitas TO. 2011. Landscape genetics of mountain lions (Puma concolor) in southern Brazil. Mammalian Biology 76:476-483.
- Cushman S.A, McKelvey K.S, Schwartz M.K. 2009. Use of Empirically Derived Source-Destination Models to Map Regional Conservation Corridors. Conservation Biology 23:368-376.
- Coulon A, Guil ot G, Cosson JF, Angibault JMA, Aulagnier S, Cargnelutti B, Galan M, Hewison AJM. 2006. Genetic structure is influenced by landscape features: empirical evidence from a roe deer population. Molecular Ecology 15:1669-1679
- Braunisch V, Segelbacher G, Hirzel A. 2010. Modelling functional landscape connectivity fromgenetic population structure: a new spatially explicit approach. Molecular Ecology 19:3664-3678
- Coulon A, Guillot G, Cosson JF, Angibault JMA, Aulagnier S, Cargnelutti B, Galan M, Hewison AJM. 2006. Genetic structure is influenced by landscape features: empirical evidence from a roe deer population. Molecular Ecology 15:1669-1679.
- Raeymaekers JAM, Maes GE, Geldof S, Hontis I, Nackaerts K, Volckaert FAM. 2008. Modeling genetic connectivity in sticklebacks as a guideline for river restoration. Evolutionary Applications ISSN:1752-4571.
- Faulks LK, Gilligan DM, Beheregaray LB. 2011. The role of anthropogenic vs. natural in-stream structures in determining connectivity and genetic diversity in an endangered freshwater fish, Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica). Evolutionary Applications 4:589-601.
- Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL Landscape genetics: making the invisiblevisible2012
- Manel S, Schwartz M, Luikart G, Taberlet P. 2003. Landscape genetics: combining landscape ecology and population genetics. Trend in Ecology and Evolution 18(4):189-197.
- Holderegger R, &Helene H. Wagner 2006 A brief guide to Landscape Genetics
- Keller D, Van Strien MJ, Ghazoul J, Holderegger R. 2012a. Landscape genetics of insects in intensive agriculture: new ecological insights.
- Turner, M.G. R. H. Gardner and R. V. O'Neill 2001. Landscape Ecology in Theory and Practice. Springer-Verlag, New York, Ny, usa
- Forman, R.T.T. 1995. Land Mosaics: The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
- Malekian, M. Hemami, H.R. (2012) Fundamentals of conservation biology
- Emaresi G, Pellet J, Dubey S, Hirzel AH, Fumagal i L. 2011. Landscape genetics of the Alpine newt (Mesotriton alpestris) inferred from a strip-based approach. Conservation Genetics 12:41-50
- Segelbacher G, Cushman SA, Epperson BK, Fortin MJ, Francois O, Hardy OJ, Holderegger R, Taberlet P, Waits LP, Manel S. 2010. Applications of landscape genetics in conservation biology: concepts and chal enges. Conserv Genet 11:375-385.
- Kamm U, Gugerli F, Rotach P, Edwards P, Holderegger R. 2010. Open areas in a landscape enhance pollen-mediated gene flow of a tree species: evidence from northern Switzerland. Landscape Ecology 25:903-911.
- Malekian, M.2010. Molecular ecology. Iranian Academic Center for Education،Culture & Reserech Mashhad
- Naghavi, M. Ghareyazie, B. |Hosseini Salekdeh, G.H. (2005) Molecular Markers.Tehran University Press. P.320
- Braunisch V, Segelbacher G, Hirzel A. 2010. Modelling functional landscape connectivity fromgenetic population structure: a new spatially explicit approach. Molecular Ecology 19:3664-3678
- Murphy MA, Evans JS, Storfer A. 2010. Quantifying Bufo boreas connectivity in Yellowstone National Park with landscape genetics. Ecology 91(1):252-261.
- Angelone S. 2010. Are differences in fitness traits related to genetic clusters? An empirical test on the European tree frog. Biological Conservation 143(2):471-478.
- Apodaca JJ, Rissler LJ, Godwin JC. 2012. Population structure and gene flow in a heavily disturbed habitat: implications for the management of the imperilled Red Hills salamander (Phaeognathus hubrichti). Conserv Genet 13:913-923
- Bonte D, Breyne P, Brys R, Peña E, D'hondt B, Ghyselen C, Vandegehuchte ML, Hoffmann M. 2012. Landscape Dynamics Determine the Small-Scale Genetic Structure of an Endangered Dune Slack Plant Species. Journal of Coastal Research 28(4):780-786.
- Pavlova A, Amos JN, Goretskaia MI, Beme IR, Buchanan KL, Takeuchi N, Radford JQ, Sunnucks P. 2012. Genes and song: genetic and social connections in fragmented habitat in a woodland bird with limited dispersal. Ecology 93(7):1717-1727
- Castilho CS, Marins-Sá LG, Benedet RC, Freitas TO. 2011. Landscape genetics of mountain lions (Puma concolor) in southern Brazil. Mammalian Biology 76:476-483.
- Cushman S.A, McKelvey K.S, Schwartz M.K. 2009. Use of Empirically Derived Source-Destination Models to Map Regional Conservation Corridors. Conservation Biology 23:368-376.
- Coulon A, Guil ot G, Cosson JF, Angibault JMA, Aulagnier S, Cargnelutti B, Galan M, Hewison AJM. 2006. Genetic structure is influenced by landscape features: empirical evidence from a roe deer population. Molecular Ecology 15:1669-1679
- Braunisch V, Segelbacher G, Hirzel A. 2010. Modelling functional landscape connectivity fromgenetic population structure: a new spatially explicit approach. Molecular Ecology 19:3664-3678
- Coulon A, Guillot G, Cosson JF, Angibault JMA, Aulagnier S, Cargnelutti B, Galan M, Hewison AJM. 2006. Genetic structure is influenced by landscape features: empirical evidence from a roe deer population. Molecular Ecology 15:1669-1679.
- Raeymaekers JAM, Maes GE, Geldof S, Hontis I, Nackaerts K, Volckaert FAM. 2008. Modeling genetic connectivity in sticklebacks as a guideline for river restoration. Evolutionary Applications ISSN:1752-4571.
- Faulks LK, Gilligan DM, Beheregaray LB. 2011. The role of anthropogenic vs. natural in-stream structures in determining connectivity and genetic diversity in an endangered freshwater fish, Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasica). Evolutionary Applications 4:589-601.