Investiation of problems resulting from debris management after earthquake and providing appropriate solutions
Subject Areas : Water and Environmentnina Rafeei 1 * , abdolreza Krabasi 2
1 - , graduated, Graduate students, Faculty of Environment and Energy, Science and Research
Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of the environment, Tehran University
Keywords: Natural Disaster, Reuse, recycle, Disposal, Solid Waste,
Abstract :
Earthquaks in urban areas produce large volumes ofdebris that delay the recovery and response phases.Therefore, debris management and debris removalunder the framework of recovery programs are soimportant. International experiences have shownthat in recovery phase, large amount of wastes canbe recycled and reused. So, necessary constructionmaterials can be provided and the amount of debrisdelivered to landfills and environmental problemswill be reduced. However recovery and responsephases should be done with proper debris management.In this paper some of the problems involvedin earthquake debris are considered and appropriatesolutions are discussed.
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