Environmental Impacts of PET- PTA Petrochemical Industries (Case Study: Mahshahr Economic Special Zone)
Subject Areas : Water and Environment
saeeid Malmasi
seyed ali Jozi
seyed masood Monavari
elahe Jafarian Moghadam
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources Engineering, Technical and engineering Faculty, IAU, Northern Branch of Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources Engineering, Technical and engineering Faculty, IAU, Northern Branch of Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, College of the Environment and Energy, Science and Research Campus, IAU, Tehran, Iran
4 - Graduate Student, Department of Environmental Management, College of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Campus, IAU, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Petrochemical Industries, Environmental impact, Analytical hierarchy process, Water pollution,
Abstract :
Petrochemical industries pollutants especially heavy metals affect human health and environment. In this study, impacts of poly ethylene terephthalate petrochemical industries in Mahshahr economic special zone are evaluated with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) by weighting and synthesizing of health human and environmental damage criteria. In this region, main petrochemical industries are constructed close to fiords. Hence pollutants due to these industries have detrimental effects on fiords as most important ecosystem with high biodiversity. Health human damage evaluation is achieved by expressing the impacts of each pollutant on employee and local population health. Environmental damage assessment requires on intuitive expression pollutants density and environmental sensitivity. Finally nine main pollutants are evaluated according to the kind of studied petrochemical industry, TSS, Oil & Grease, COD, Heavy metals, SOX, NOX, CO2, H2S and PM. these pollutants are then compared to derive a environmental scores. Results indicate that water pollution is most important issue and TSS and Oil & Grease with 0.235, 0.326 scores from waste water discharged as highest priority should be controlled in studied area. Air pollution due to gaseous emission is second priority.
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