Investigation and Quantification of Variations of Landscape Measures using Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Indices (Case Study: Dez Protected Area)
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentAtousa Soleimani 1 * , Majid Hojati 2
1 - MSc of Environmental Education, School of Environment, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
2 - MSc Graduated of Remote Sensing and GIS, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Measures, landscape, Spatial Analysis, Remote sensing, Dez Protected Area,
Abstract :
Nowadays the continuous irrational use of land has led to increase transformation, variation of land use and vegetation. Examining and quantifying these variations can be necessary for planning and sustainable management of land. Thus, in the present study, landscape measures were used as quantifying tools for investigation of land condition and variation. Here, patch spatial distribution and composition measures were used. The case study was Dez protected area, which is located in the Iranian Khuzestan Province. In order to prepare land cover and variation analysis maps, the satellite images of Landsat 7 from the TM sensor and Landsat 8 related to ETM+ sensor images were used respectively. Number of Patches (NP), Patch Density (PD), largest patch index, landscape shape, and total edge (TE) metrics, and diversity indices of Shannon and Simpsons were used. The class-level landscape patterns were analyzed using Fragstats 4.2 and Envi. The results show that the extent of vegetated land of the region has decreased, whereas the scope of land with no vegetation is on the rise. The decrease of vegetation and increase of bare soil indicate the destruction of the region's natural cover during the studied years. The decrease of NP and PD measures and increase of edge density shows the increasing destruction of natural land cover of the region, and its increasing common border with other peripheral areas that have different land use.
1) Matsushita, B., Xu, M. and Fukushima, T., 2006. Characterizing the changes in landscape structure in the Lake Kasumigaura Basin, Japan using a high-quality GIS dataset. Landscape and urban planning, 78(3), pp.241-250.
2) Makhdoom, M., 2001. Fundamental principles of Land use planning, Tehran.
3) McGarigal, K., Cushman, S.A., Neel, M.C. and Ene, E., 2002. FRAGSTATS: spatial pattern analysis program for categorical maps.
4) Leitão, A.B., Miller, J., Ahern, J. and McGarigal, K., 2012. Measuring landscapes: A planner's handbook. Island press.
5) Kušová, D., Těšitel, J., Matějka, K. and Bartoš, M., 2008. Biosphere reserves—an attempt to form sustainable landscapes: a case study of three biosphere reserves in the Czech Republic. Landscape and Urban Planning, 84(1), pp.38-51.
6) Nagendra, H., 2000. Estimating landscape pattern from supervised and unsupervised classification: studies in the Western Ghats, India. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 33(B7/3; PART 7), pp.955-961.
7) Seto, K.C. and Fragkias, M., 2005. Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of urban land-use change in four cities of China with time series landscape metrics. Landscape ecology, 20(7), pp.871-888.
8) Uuemaa, E., Mander, Ü. and Marja, R., 2013. Trends in the use of landscape spatial metrics as landscape indicators: a review. Ecological Indicators, 28, pp.100-106.
9) Deng, J.S., Wang, K., Hong, Y. and Qi, J.G., 2009. Spatio-temporal dynamics and evolution of land use change and landscape pattern in response to rapid urbanization. Landscape and urban planning, 92(3), pp.187-198.
10) de Barros Ferraz, S.F., Vettorazzi, C.A., Theobald, D.M. and Ballester, M.V.R., 2005. Landscape dynamics of Amazonian deforestation between 1984 and 2002 in central Rondônia, Brazil: assessment and future scenarios. Forest Ecology and Management, 204(1), pp.69-85.
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13) Antrop, M., 2004. Landscape change and the urbanization process in Europe. Landscape and urban planning, 67(1), pp.9-26.
14) پورتال اداره کل حفاظت محیط زیست خوزستان (
15) Lausch, A. and Herzog, F., 2002. Applicability of landscape metrics for the monitoring of landscape change: issues of scale, resolution and interpretability. Ecological indicators, 2(1), pp.3-15.
16) Herold, M., Couclelis, H. and Clarke, K.C., 2005. The role of spatial metrics in the analysis and modeling of urban land use change. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 29(4), pp.369-399.
17) Wickham, J.D., O'neill, R.V., Riitters, K.H., Wade, T.G. and Jones, K.B., 1997. Sensitivity of selected landscape pattern metrics to land-cover misclassification and differences in land-cover composition.
18) Farina, A. 2000. Landscape Ecology in action. London: Kluwer Academic Publisher. 317 pp.
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20) اردکانی، محمدرضا، «اکولوژی عمومی»، 1385، دانشگاه تهران
21) Riitters, K.H., O'neill, R.V., Hunsaker, C.T., Wickham, J.D., Yankee, D.H., Timmins, S.P., Jones, K.B. and Jackson, B.L., 1995. A factor analysis of landscape pattern and structure metrics. Landscape ecology, 10(1), pp.23-39.
22) سلیماننژاد، لیلا و همکاران، «بررسی الگوی مکانی پارکهای تهران توسط سنجههای سیمای سرزمین». فصلنامه پژوهشهای محیط زیست. 1393؛ شماره 9: صفحه 34-25.
23) آرخی، صالح، « کاربرد متریک های سیمای سرزمین در ارزیابی روند تغییرات کاربری اراضی با استفاده ازسنجش از دور و GIS مطالعه موردی: منطقه بیابانی دهلران». دو فصلنامه جغرافیا و توسعه. 1394: شماره 40: صفحه 68-59.
24) کیانی، واحد و جهانگیر فقهی، «بررسی ساختار پوشش/کاربری حوزه آبخیز سفید رود با استفاده از سنجههای بومشناسی سیمای سرزمین». فصلنامه علوم و تکنولوژی محیط زیست. 1394؛ دوره 17: صفحه 141-131.
25) Peet, R. K. 1974. The measurement of species diversity. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematic 5: 285-307.
26) Hill, M. O. 1973. Diversity and Evenness: a unifying notation and its consequences. Ecology 54: 427-432.
1) Matsushita, B., Xu, M. and Fukushima, T., 2006. Characterizing the changes in landscape structure in the Lake Kasumigaura Basin, Japan using a high-quality GIS dataset. Landscape and urban planning, 78(3), pp.241-250.
2) Makhdoom, M., 2001. Fundamental principles of Land use planning, Tehran.
3) McGarigal, K., Cushman, S.A., Neel, M.C. and Ene, E., 2002. FRAGSTATS: spatial pattern analysis program for categorical maps.
4) Leitão, A.B., Miller, J., Ahern, J. and McGarigal, K., 2012. Measuring landscapes: A planner's handbook. Island press.
5) Kušová, D., Těšitel, J., Matějka, K. and Bartoš, M., 2008. Biosphere reserves—an attempt to form sustainable landscapes: a case study of three biosphere reserves in the Czech Republic. Landscape and Urban Planning, 84(1), pp.38-51.
6) Nagendra, H., 2000. Estimating landscape pattern from supervised and unsupervised classification: studies in the Western Ghats, India. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 33(B7/3; PART 7), pp.955-961.
7) Seto, K.C. and Fragkias, M., 2005. Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of urban land-use change in four cities of China with time series landscape metrics. Landscape ecology, 20(7), pp.871-888.
8) Uuemaa, E., Mander, Ü. and Marja, R., 2013. Trends in the use of landscape spatial metrics as landscape indicators: a review. Ecological Indicators, 28, pp.100-106.
9) Deng, J.S., Wang, K., Hong, Y. and Qi, J.G., 2009. Spatio-temporal dynamics and evolution of land use change and landscape pattern in response to rapid urbanization. Landscape and urban planning, 92(3), pp.187-198.
10) de Barros Ferraz, S.F., Vettorazzi, C.A., Theobald, D.M. and Ballester, M.V.R., 2005. Landscape dynamics of Amazonian deforestation between 1984 and 2002 in central Rondônia, Brazil: assessment and future scenarios. Forest Ecology and Management, 204(1), pp.69-85.
11) طالبی امیری، شیما و همکاران، «تحلیل تخریب سیمای سرزمین حوزه آبخیز نکا با استفاده از متریک های اکولوژی سیمای سرزمین». فصلنامه علوم محیطی. 1388؛ شماره 3: صفحه 144-133.
12) کرمی، آرش و جهانگیر، فقیهی، «بررسی کمی سنجه های سیمای سرزمین در حفاظت از الگوی کاربری اراضی پایدار (مطالعه موردی: استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد)». فصلنامه محیطشناسی. 1390؛ شماره 60: صفحه88-79.
13) Antrop, M., 2004. Landscape change and the urbanization process in Europe. Landscape and urban planning, 67(1), pp.9-26.
14) پورتال اداره کل حفاظت محیط زیست خوزستان (
15) Lausch, A. and Herzog, F., 2002. Applicability of landscape metrics for the monitoring of landscape change: issues of scale, resolution and interpretability. Ecological indicators, 2(1), pp.3-15.
16) Herold, M., Couclelis, H. and Clarke, K.C., 2005. The role of spatial metrics in the analysis and modeling of urban land use change. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 29(4), pp.369-399.
17) Wickham, J.D., O'neill, R.V., Riitters, K.H., Wade, T.G. and Jones, K.B., 1997. Sensitivity of selected landscape pattern metrics to land-cover misclassification and differences in land-cover composition.
18) Farina, A. 2000. Landscape Ecology in action. London: Kluwer Academic Publisher. 317 pp.
19) زبردست، لعبت و همکاران، «بررسی تغییرات ساختاری ناشی از جاده در پارک ملی گلستان در فاصله سالهای 1366 تا 1389 با استفاده از متریکهای اکولوژی سیمای سرزمین». فصلنامه پژوهشهای محیطزیست. 1390؛ شماره 4: صفحه 20-11.
20) اردکانی، محمدرضا، «اکولوژی عمومی»، 1385، دانشگاه تهران
21) Riitters, K.H., O'neill, R.V., Hunsaker, C.T., Wickham, J.D., Yankee, D.H., Timmins, S.P., Jones, K.B. and Jackson, B.L., 1995. A factor analysis of landscape pattern and structure metrics. Landscape ecology, 10(1), pp.23-39.
22) سلیماننژاد، لیلا و همکاران، «بررسی الگوی مکانی پارکهای تهران توسط سنجههای سیمای سرزمین». فصلنامه پژوهشهای محیط زیست. 1393؛ شماره 9: صفحه 34-25.
23) آرخی، صالح، « کاربرد متریک های سیمای سرزمین در ارزیابی روند تغییرات کاربری اراضی با استفاده ازسنجش از دور و GIS مطالعه موردی: منطقه بیابانی دهلران». دو فصلنامه جغرافیا و توسعه. 1394: شماره 40: صفحه 68-59.
24) کیانی، واحد و جهانگیر فقهی، «بررسی ساختار پوشش/کاربری حوزه آبخیز سفید رود با استفاده از سنجههای بومشناسی سیمای سرزمین». فصلنامه علوم و تکنولوژی محیط زیست. 1394؛ دوره 17: صفحه 141-131.
25) Peet, R. K. 1974. The measurement of species diversity. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematic 5: 285-307.
26) Hill, M. O. 1973. Diversity and Evenness: a unifying notation and its consequences. Ecology 54: 427-432.