Ability of earthworms in organic wastes management
Subject Areas : Water and Environment
Farzad Mehrjo
Mohsen Rastakhiz
1 - MSc in Environmental Science, Environmental Sciences Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University, G.C., Tehran
2 - Graduate Student, Faculty of Agriculture, Payam Noor University, Dehdasht unit.
Keywords: Organic waste, Earthworm, Vermicompost,
Abstract :
Organic wastes are includes domestic wastes, crop wastes, garden waste, agricultural and food processing industries, poultry and livestock waste, human waste, fruit and vegetable wastes, orchards and farms. One effective and affordable method in organic waste management using is earthworms to produce vermicompost fertilizer, in addition to reducing environmental risks; the nature of their turnover in fertilizer consumption has accelerated. Vermicomposting is through decomposition of organic wastes help certain species of earthworms. In general, there are about 3000 species of earthworms in different sizes from 0/6 to 330 cm. Only two species Eisenia foetida and Lumbricus rubellus due to production efficiency and ease of replication are most widely used in the production of vermicompost. Considering limitation of the right places disposal of organic wastes and from hand landfill and incineration adverse effects on public health and the environment, Vermicomposting using biotechnology earthworms a suitable option for is organic waste management.
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