Technical Feasibility of CO2 Capturing through Post Combustion Process in Cement Industry to Reduce Greenhouse Gases
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentFarideh Atabi 1 * , Abtin Ataei 2 , Ahmaad Khoshgerd 3 , Farzaneh Kiani 4
1 - Assistant Prof., Graduate school of Environment and Energy , Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University.
2 - Assistant Prof., Graduate school of Environment and Energy , Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University.
3 - Assistant Prof., Technical and Engineering Department, South Branch, Islamic Azad University.
4 - M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Graduated school of Environment and Energy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University.
Keywords: Carbon dioxide, CCS, Post combustion, Cement industry, greenhouse gases,
Abstract :
Global warming occurs due to the increase of greenhouse gases emission including CO2, the consequence of which would be the drastic changes in the Earth's climate. Due to the consumption of fossil fuels and the chemical processes used to produce cement at the stage of heating the raw material, the net amount of CO2 gas production in the cement industry is about 15 to 25% . The present research discusses the technical feasibility of recycling CO2 in Abyek Cement Complex, which is known as large cement industry in the country with the production capacity of about 12,500 tons per day on two production lines. The main fuel of furnaces in this industry is heavy oil. Due to the combustion, the gases emitted from the five-stage pre heater include 24.5% CO2, 7.6% H2O, 48% O2 by volume and 61.3% N2. With respect to the analysis of gases emitted from the furnace of Abyek Cement Complex and the factory's available facilities, the absorption was designed using post combustion process through the chemical absorption method using Monoethanolamine (MEA) by HYSYS software. The required equipment of the process was simulated and optimized and dimensions of all the process components were determined. The results show that approximately 117 ton per hour of CO2 with the efficiency of 97% at C with moisture content (1179 kg/h), Oxygen (2.5 kg/h), and nitrogen (16.5 kg/h) is absorbed which can be transferred to the consuming centers after pressurization and condensation.
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