Microalgal Biodiversity as a Biotechnology and Environmental Potential
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentMaryam Akhoundian 1 * , Seyed Danial Mirhasannia 2
1 - Assistant Professor in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Science, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.*(Corresponding Author).
2 - MSc student in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Science, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar,Iran.
Keywords: Microalgae, Biotechnology, Bioactive compounds, Environment, Potentialities,
Abstract :
Microalgae is a group of highly versatile aquatic plants that nowadays have achieved a wide range of applications in the science of biotechnology. These microscopic photosynthesizers, despite performing an effective role in the oxygen production on the earth, due to their high distribution and frequency are almost found in the entire ecosystems on the globe. The high nutritional value and even potential of these microscopic plants in the production of bioactive compounds with varied food and medicinal usages, also as primary raw materials for the extraction of sustainable biofuels (biodiesel), besides their application in monitoring and refinement of environmental pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides; have nestled these small scale plants in the spotlight of the countless researchers worldwide. Although, globally several researches have been focused on the biotechnological potentials of microalgae, but it seems that so far in our country, the considerable efficiency has not been provided to this valuable resource. Therefore, this article is an overview of the microalgal potential to use in modern biotechnology and can attract the attention of researchers to carry out research in this area.
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