Study of pollution resulting from leachate in Rasht solid waste land fill
Subject Areas : Water and Environment
Masoud Monavari
Ghasemali Omrani
Fatemeh Ghanbari
1 - Assist prof, Environment and Energy Faculty, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Prof, Environment health faculty, Tehran University
3 - Environmental management, Science and Research of Ahwaz Branch, Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Leachate, Solid Waste, Landfill, Rasht,
Abstract :
Study of environmental and sanitary environment of landfill of urban solid wastes is of high importance due to creation of different pollutions. The most important pollutant, is leachate of the resulting from solid wastes. Solid waste leachate may penetrate into surface and underground water and pollute these resources. Rasht solid waste landfill has been located in 15 Km Rasht at Saravan area. This place near one of the sources of SiahroudRiver,namely KachaRiver.KachaRiver joins SiahroudRiver, and is named Zarjoub. Then it joins GoharroudRiver in Pirbazar area and enters eastern part of Anzali wetland. This river evacuates the pollution resulting from solid waste leachate together with other urban, industrial and agricultural pollutants that it receives within its route at Anzali wetland. In this research conducted in the year 2006-2007 , the status of Rasht city , and also KachaRiver was studied regarding the pollution due to leachate. For this purpose , parameters BOD, DO , PH , TP and COD were studied in two seasons of winter and summer. The results of this research show that all parameters under our study exceed the mounts authorized by Environmental Protection Organization. Furthermore ,the pollution resulting from leachate showed remarkable increase in comparison with the results of experiments of 1997.
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