A Review of Biotic Indices for Heavy Metals in Polluted Environment
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentJaber Aazami 1 * , Habib Moradpour 2 , Naser KianiMehr 3
1 - Assistant Professors, Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Zanjan *(Corresponding Author).
2 - Master Student, Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Zanjan
3 - Master Student, Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Zanjan.
Keywords: Heavy Metals, Environmental pollution, Biotic Indices,
Abstract :
The life of fauna and flora was threatened by heavy metals, one of the most problems in the environment. Nowdays, in the world biotic indices were applied to reduce and modify of different pollutants while in Iran, purification of polluted environment was done with physic-chemical methods. Physic-chemical methods annihilate the biodiversity, pollute the environment and also need to lots of time, cost, equipment and expertise. So, the developed countries presented biotic methods for identification, monitoring, survey and purification because of many advantages including; more precision, less cost, environmental friendly and less equipment. The aims of this article were a review of bio-indices and choose manner of polluted biological modifier e.g. phytoremediation that todays, it is developing.
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