Evaluation of Tehran city groundwater quality by WHO water quality index
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentTouraj Nasrabadi 1 , Pouyan Abasi Maedeh 2 *
1 - Assistant professor of environmental faculty, University of Tehran
2 - PhD student of Civil engineering faculty Kharazmi University
Keywords: Groundwater, Tehran, quality index, pollutants,
Abstract :
In order to determine the groundwater quality of Tehran city in 2010 and 2011, seventy one wells wereconsidered for water sampling. The groundwater quality was evaluated using WHO index and thequality was worse in 2011 in comparison with 2010.Furthermore, eastern and southern areas showmore index values which indicate the lower groundwater quality for drinking use. According to theresults gained in both years, the majority of northern sampling stations lie within the good range whilethe ones in southern areas are mostly addressed as poor quality. Uncontrolled water discharge, regulardroughts as well as leakage of anthropogenic pollutants like NO3- and SO4— may be addressed as themajor causes of groundwater quality degradation within the study area. Regarding the remarkableweight of NO3 in index quality interpretation, the key role of this pollutant in groundwater qualitydetermination is manifested. Such quality degradation trend may reach a critical status in near futureand should be seriously taken into consideration.
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