New Method of Water and Wastewater Treatment Using Electron Beams
Subject Areas : Environment Pullotion (water and wastewater)
1 - MSc of Environmental Health Engineering - University of Tarbiat Modares, Member of Environment Office of Ministry of Energy, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Electron Beams, Treatment, Water and Wastewater, Electron Accelerator, Active Species, Hydroxyl Radicals,
Abstract :
Release of several types of pollutants to the environment and implementation of ever strict environmental rules and the inability of traditional treatment methods to completely eliminate or reduce the pollutants to a standards level lead to study and develop of new treatment processes such as the electron beams. The electron beams irradiation to water and wastewater resulting generation of reducing and oxidizing species (OH•, H•, e-aq) that react quickly and non-selectively with contaminants in the water and wastewater and then decompotion them. In this paper, the history of using of electron beam and its applications in environmental pollution control in various scales, electron accelerators as electron beams production tools, reactors used for irradiation, Factors affecting the efficiency of this method, electron beams systems and advantages and disadvantages of electron beams is presented. Due to the strengths of this method than conventional methods and also lower costs and better performance, especially in the field of disinfection, sewage, sludge and color removal of wastewater industries, in the near future, is not far from the mind to be introduced as one of the key technologies in protecting the environment.
1- Duartea, C.L., Ribeiro, M.A., Sato, I.M., Sampa, M.H.O., 2004. Efficiency of Organic Compounds Removal by Electron-Beam Irradiation in Presence of High Metal Concentration. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 71, pp. 449–452.
2- Kashiwagi, M., Hoshi, Y., 2012. Electron Beam Processing System and Its Application. NHV Corporation, Vol. 75, pp. 47-54.
3- Duarte C.L., Sampa M.H.O., Rela P.R., Oikawa H., Silveira C.G., Azevedo A.L., 2002. Advanced Oxidation Process by Electron-Beam-Irradiation Induced Decomposition of Pollutants in Industrial Effluents. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 63, pp. 647–651.
4- Munter, R., 2001. Advanced Oxidation Process-Current Status and Prospect. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Chemistry, Vol. 50, pp. 59-80.
5- International Atomic Energy Agency, 2007. Radiation Processing: Environmental Application (IAEA-RPEA, Vienna, Austria)
6- Duarte, C.L., Sampa, M.H.O., Rela, P.R., Oikawa, H., Silveira, C.G., Azevedo, A.L., 2002. Advanced Oxidation Process by Electron-beam Irradiation Induced Decomposition of Pollutants in Industrial Effluents. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 63, pp. 647–651.
7- Duarte, C.L., Sampa, M.H.O., Rela, P.R., Silveira, C.G., 2000. Application of Electron Beam Irradiation Combined with Conventional Treatment to Treat Industrial Effluents. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 57, pp. 513–518.
8- Getoff, N., 1996. Radiation-induced Degradation of Water Pollutants: State of the Art. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 47, pp. 581-593.
9- International Atomic Energy Agency, 2008. Radiation Treatment of Polluted Water and Wastewater (IAEA-TECDOC-1598, Vienna, Austria)
10- Vertes, A., Nagy, S., Klencsar, Z., Lovas, R., Rosch, F., 2010. Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry; Vol. 3, Chemical Applications of Nuclear Reactions and Radiations (Springer)
11- Kurucz, C. N., Waite, T. D., Cooper, W. J., Nickelsen, M. G., 1991. High Energy Electron Beam Irradiation of Water, Wastewater and Sludge. Advances in Nuclear Science & Technology, Vol. 22, pp. 1-37.
12- AVASN Maruthi, Y., Lakshmana Das, N., Kaizar Hossain, Rawat, K.P., Sarma, K.S.S., Sabharwal, S., 2013. Appliance of Electron Beam Technology for Disinfection of Sewage Water to Minimize Public Health Risks. European Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, pp. 1-18.
13- Walter Z.T., 2004. Physicochemical Treatment of Hazardous Wastes (CRC Press)
14- Han, B., Kim, J., Kim, Y. 2006. Application and Economics of Electron Beam Wastewater Treatment. (Online) Available from: hnp:// papers/6.pdf
15- Siddiqui M. S, Amy G., Cooper W. J., Kurucz C. N., Waite T. D., Nickelsen M. G., 1996. Bromate Ion Removal by HEEB Irradiation. AWWA, vol. 88, pp. 90-101.
16- Chao, A.W., Chou, W., 2011. Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology: Vol. 4, Accelerator Applications in Industry and the Environment (World Scientific)
17- Hanna, S., 2012. RF Linear Accelerators for Medical and Industrial Applications (Artech House)
18- Tarr, M.A., 2003. Chemical Degradation Methods for Wastes and Pollutants, Environmental and Industrial Applications (Marcel Dekker Inc.)
19- International Atomic Energy Agency, 2004. Emerging Applications of Radiation Processing (IAEA-TECDOC-1386 Vienna, Austria)
20- Kuk, S.H., Kim, S.M., Kang, W.G., Han, B., 2011. High-power Accelerator for Environmental Applications. Korean Physical Society, Vol. 59, pp.3485-3488.
21- Kavanaugh, M., Chowdhury, Z., 2003. Removal of MTBE with Advanced Oxidation Processes (IWA Publishing)
22- International Atomic Energy Agency, 1997. Sewage Sludge and Wastewater for Use in Agriculture. (IAEA-TECDOC-971, Vienna, Austria)
23- Cooper, W.J., Curry, R.D., O'Shea, K.E., 1998. Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation (A Wiley Interscience Publication)
24- Adel, A. K.; Azni, I.; Katayon, S.; Chuah, T.G., 2004. Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Advanced Oxidation Processes – A Review. In: Global Nest: The International Journal – General Information Vol. 6, pp. 222-230.
25- Takacs, E., Wojnarovits, L., Tamas, P., 2007. Azo Dye Degradation by High-energy Irradiation: Kinetics and Mechanism of Destruction. Nukleonika, Vol. 52, pp. 69−75.
26- United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1997. High Voltage Environmental Applications, Inc. Electron Beam Technology Innovative Technology Evaluation Report (EPA/540/R-96/504)
27- Case, F.N., 1973. Ketchen, E.E., Study of Gamma Induced Low Temperature Oxidation of Textile Effluents (EPA- R2-73-260.)
28- Minghong, W., Boronga, B., Ruiminb, Z., Jinliang, Z., Longxin, H., 1998. The Regeneration of Polluted Activated Carbon by Radiation Techniques. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 53, pp. 431-435.
29- Chmielewski, A.G., 2005. Application of Ionizing Radiation to Environment Protection. Nukleonika, Vol. 50, pp.17-24.
30- Mckeown, J., 1996. Electron Sterilization of Sewage Sludge: A Real Case Comparison with Other Processes. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 47, pp. 469-473.
31- Bitton, G., 2005. Wastewater Microbiology (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
32- Lewins, J., Becker, M., 1991. Advances in Nuclear science and Technology: Volume 22. (Springer)
33- Crittenden, J.C., Trussell, R.R, Hand, D.W., Howe, K.J., Tchobanoglous, G., 2012. MWH's Water Treatment - Principles and Design, Third Edition (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
34- Jung, H., Mah, Y.J., Lee, M.J., 2008. Destruction of PCBs in Transformer Oil by an E-Beam. Waste Management and the Environment IV, Vol. 109, pp. 341-348.
35- International Atomic Energy Agency, 2015. Radiation Processing Applications in Industry: Prospects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Scientific Forum on “Atoms in Industry – Radiation Technology for Development. Vienna, Austria.
36- Techcommentary, 1996. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Treatment of Industrial Wastewater. An EPRI Community Environmental Center Publ. No. 1.
37- International Atomic Energy Agency, 2003. Status of Industrial Scale Radiation Treatment of Wastewater and Its Future. Proceedings of a Consultants Meeting Held in Daejon, (IAEA-TECDOC-1407, Vienna, Austria)
38- Han, B., Kim, J.K., Kim, Y.R., Zommer, N., 2011. Treatment of Wastewater for Reuse with Mobile Electron Beam Plant, Report of the 2nd RCM on Radiation Treatment of Wastewater for Reuse with Particular Focus on Wastewaters Containing Organic Pollutants. Working Material, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
39- Nasef, M.M., 2003. Application of Electron Beam for Preparation of Membranes. Proceedings of the FNCA 2003 Workshop on Application of Electron Accelerator -Radiation System for Thin Film, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
40- Shin, H.S., Kim, Y.R., Han, B., Makarov, I.E., Ponomarev, A.V., Pikaev, A.K., 2002. Application of Electron Beam to Treatment of Wastewater from Papermill. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 65, pp. 539-547.
1- Duartea, C.L., Ribeiro, M.A., Sato, I.M., Sampa, M.H.O., 2004. Efficiency of Organic Compounds Removal by Electron-Beam Irradiation in Presence of High Metal Concentration. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 71, pp. 449–452.
2- Kashiwagi, M., Hoshi, Y., 2012. Electron Beam Processing System and Its Application. NHV Corporation, Vol. 75, pp. 47-54.
3- Duarte C.L., Sampa M.H.O., Rela P.R., Oikawa H., Silveira C.G., Azevedo A.L., 2002. Advanced Oxidation Process by Electron-Beam-Irradiation Induced Decomposition of Pollutants in Industrial Effluents. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 63, pp. 647–651.
4- Munter, R., 2001. Advanced Oxidation Process-Current Status and Prospect. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Chemistry, Vol. 50, pp. 59-80.
5- International Atomic Energy Agency, 2007. Radiation Processing: Environmental Application (IAEA-RPEA, Vienna, Austria)
6- Duarte, C.L., Sampa, M.H.O., Rela, P.R., Oikawa, H., Silveira, C.G., Azevedo, A.L., 2002. Advanced Oxidation Process by Electron-beam Irradiation Induced Decomposition of Pollutants in Industrial Effluents. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 63, pp. 647–651.
7- Duarte, C.L., Sampa, M.H.O., Rela, P.R., Silveira, C.G., 2000. Application of Electron Beam Irradiation Combined with Conventional Treatment to Treat Industrial Effluents. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 57, pp. 513–518.
8- Getoff, N., 1996. Radiation-induced Degradation of Water Pollutants: State of the Art. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 47, pp. 581-593.
9- International Atomic Energy Agency, 2008. Radiation Treatment of Polluted Water and Wastewater (IAEA-TECDOC-1598, Vienna, Austria)
10- Vertes, A., Nagy, S., Klencsar, Z., Lovas, R., Rosch, F., 2010. Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry; Vol. 3, Chemical Applications of Nuclear Reactions and Radiations (Springer)
11- Kurucz, C. N., Waite, T. D., Cooper, W. J., Nickelsen, M. G., 1991. High Energy Electron Beam Irradiation of Water, Wastewater and Sludge. Advances in Nuclear Science & Technology, Vol. 22, pp. 1-37.
12- AVASN Maruthi, Y., Lakshmana Das, N., Kaizar Hossain, Rawat, K.P., Sarma, K.S.S., Sabharwal, S., 2013. Appliance of Electron Beam Technology for Disinfection of Sewage Water to Minimize Public Health Risks. European Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, pp. 1-18.
13- Walter Z.T., 2004. Physicochemical Treatment of Hazardous Wastes (CRC Press)
14- Han, B., Kim, J., Kim, Y. 2006. Application and Economics of Electron Beam Wastewater Treatment. (Online) Available from: hnp:// papers/6.pdf
15- Siddiqui M. S, Amy G., Cooper W. J., Kurucz C. N., Waite T. D., Nickelsen M. G., 1996. Bromate Ion Removal by HEEB Irradiation. AWWA, vol. 88, pp. 90-101.
16- Chao, A.W., Chou, W., 2011. Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology: Vol. 4, Accelerator Applications in Industry and the Environment (World Scientific)
17- Hanna, S., 2012. RF Linear Accelerators for Medical and Industrial Applications (Artech House)
18- Tarr, M.A., 2003. Chemical Degradation Methods for Wastes and Pollutants, Environmental and Industrial Applications (Marcel Dekker Inc.)
19- International Atomic Energy Agency, 2004. Emerging Applications of Radiation Processing (IAEA-TECDOC-1386 Vienna, Austria)
20- Kuk, S.H., Kim, S.M., Kang, W.G., Han, B., 2011. High-power Accelerator for Environmental Applications. Korean Physical Society, Vol. 59, pp.3485-3488.
21- Kavanaugh, M., Chowdhury, Z., 2003. Removal of MTBE with Advanced Oxidation Processes (IWA Publishing)
22- International Atomic Energy Agency, 1997. Sewage Sludge and Wastewater for Use in Agriculture. (IAEA-TECDOC-971, Vienna, Austria)
23- Cooper, W.J., Curry, R.D., O'Shea, K.E., 1998. Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation (A Wiley Interscience Publication)
24- Adel, A. K.; Azni, I.; Katayon, S.; Chuah, T.G., 2004. Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Advanced Oxidation Processes – A Review. In: Global Nest: The International Journal – General Information Vol. 6, pp. 222-230.
25- Takacs, E., Wojnarovits, L., Tamas, P., 2007. Azo Dye Degradation by High-energy Irradiation: Kinetics and Mechanism of Destruction. Nukleonika, Vol. 52, pp. 69−75.
26- United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1997. High Voltage Environmental Applications, Inc. Electron Beam Technology Innovative Technology Evaluation Report (EPA/540/R-96/504)
27- Case, F.N., 1973. Ketchen, E.E., Study of Gamma Induced Low Temperature Oxidation of Textile Effluents (EPA- R2-73-260.)
28- Minghong, W., Boronga, B., Ruiminb, Z., Jinliang, Z., Longxin, H., 1998. The Regeneration of Polluted Activated Carbon by Radiation Techniques. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 53, pp. 431-435.
29- Chmielewski, A.G., 2005. Application of Ionizing Radiation to Environment Protection. Nukleonika, Vol. 50, pp.17-24.
30- Mckeown, J., 1996. Electron Sterilization of Sewage Sludge: A Real Case Comparison with Other Processes. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 47, pp. 469-473.
31- Bitton, G., 2005. Wastewater Microbiology (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
32- Lewins, J., Becker, M., 1991. Advances in Nuclear science and Technology: Volume 22. (Springer)
33- Crittenden, J.C., Trussell, R.R, Hand, D.W., Howe, K.J., Tchobanoglous, G., 2012. MWH's Water Treatment - Principles and Design, Third Edition (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
34- Jung, H., Mah, Y.J., Lee, M.J., 2008. Destruction of PCBs in Transformer Oil by an E-Beam. Waste Management and the Environment IV, Vol. 109, pp. 341-348.
35- International Atomic Energy Agency, 2015. Radiation Processing Applications in Industry: Prospects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Scientific Forum on “Atoms in Industry – Radiation Technology for Development. Vienna, Austria.
36- Techcommentary, 1996. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Treatment of Industrial Wastewater. An EPRI Community Environmental Center Publ. No. 1.
37- International Atomic Energy Agency, 2003. Status of Industrial Scale Radiation Treatment of Wastewater and Its Future. Proceedings of a Consultants Meeting Held in Daejon, (IAEA-TECDOC-1407, Vienna, Austria)
38- Han, B., Kim, J.K., Kim, Y.R., Zommer, N., 2011. Treatment of Wastewater for Reuse with Mobile Electron Beam Plant, Report of the 2nd RCM on Radiation Treatment of Wastewater for Reuse with Particular Focus on Wastewaters Containing Organic Pollutants. Working Material, IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
39- Nasef, M.M., 2003. Application of Electron Beam for Preparation of Membranes. Proceedings of the FNCA 2003 Workshop on Application of Electron Accelerator -Radiation System for Thin Film, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
40- Shin, H.S., Kim, Y.R., Han, B., Makarov, I.E., Ponomarev, A.V., Pikaev, A.K., 2002. Application of Electron Beam to Treatment of Wastewater from Papermill. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 65, pp. 539-547.