Ideas and patterns of rehabilitation of urban watercourses and rivers (Case study: Shahrood River)
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentAsadollah Divsalar 1 , Pari shokri Firoozjah 2 , Sajad ferdowsi 3 *
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - M.S in Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography and Urban Planning , Payame Noor
University, Iran. (Corresponding Author)
Keywords: Saline and gypsiferous soils, Sustainable use, Barm-e-Alvan, Land suitability,
Abstract :
This study was performed in order to assess land suitability of saline and gypsiferous soils of Barm-e-Alvan region, Kohgilouye-va-Boyerahmad Province for sustainable use of these lands. The mainobjective of land suitability assessment is evaluating the land characteristics in the current economicconditions for optimum use of available resource in order to have a moderate income with minimumsoil loss. Salt and gypsum occurrence in soils are key factors of lowland soils cause limitations forcrop cultivation. After preparing soil map of the region as basic map, the operation of land suitabilityclassification for the region main crops (rain-fed wheat and barley) was carried out by simplelimitation method based on FAO guideline and tables of climatic and soil needs of the crops. Theresults indicated that soils were classified in three soil orders of Entisols, Inceptisols and Aridisols andtopography was the main soil forming factor. It was also distinguished that no major limitation was forthe production of these crops. Selection of appropriate crop varieties with more resistance to limitingfactors with shorter growth period cause more production, hence improving water and soil resourcesof the region.
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