Dispersion modeling of propane leakage from an industry
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentFarideh Golbabae 1 * , Nooroddin Avar 2 , Iraj Mohammadfam 3
1 - Professor of Occupational Health Faculty, Medical Science University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Msc in Environment and Energy, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Faculty of Health, Medical Sciences University, Hamedan, Iran
Keywords: Modeling, Dispersion, Explosion PHAST, Software ex,
Abstract :
Abstract Leakage of toxic، flammable and dangerous materials in process and chemical industries has always been one of the hazardous for working people and residents around these industries and damaging the environment as well. Propane and combustion gas are important hazardous materials in these kinds of industries. because of its special condition of maintenance, environment`s and storage in big tanks for consumption into production units, have chance bring about tens of people death from leakage and explosion of this gas. Although special precautions are considered to prevent release of material and occurring such incidents but releases, explosion and non stochastic incident `s occur mostly because of human errors during the unit control or during repairing. Therefore, the study of incident consequences using risk assessment procedures and atmospheric diffusion models is one of influential method in doing preventive measures. Today to quantitating of risk ( QRA), different software models such as SLAB-DEGADIS-PHAST and ALOHA Have been provided for modeling the release of toxic, flammable and hazardous materials. Each of these software has certain properties appropriate to its own applications. Additionally, By modeling of material release using reliable software, not only the affected area by release of toxic، flammable and hazardous materials could be determined, but emergency response program (proactive, in process and reactive) could also be planned with use conclusion of modeling. This case study is, an industry of Tehran. given input `s element of software according to weather and obtained concentration in 1 Km is17times of TLV and that`s limit of effectiveness explosive ment. because that cause to 916 human personal and 130 passenger are die, also sustain a loss approximate at least 4/010/000/000/000 rial. that explain recommend` s e. g construction and equipped of crisis management station, rescue and resuscitation center, construction of dick, barrier and control of automobile`s, EX proofing of equipment`s near to tank to prevent and control of incident from release
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