Analyzing the Mechanisms of Civil Liability for Compensating Environmental Damages
Subject Areas :
Water and Environment
Hossein jalali
1 - Assistant Professor of Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Alborz, Iran. *(Corresponding Author)
Received: 2022-04-11
Accepted : 2022-06-08
Published : 2022-12-22
environmental damages,
civil liability,
compensation fund,
Abstract :
Physical, material, and moral damages incurred by a person following the occurrence of environmental damages make provisioning and implementing a proper civil liability system a necessity more than ever before. Although, there are lots of literature on the subject matter, it is essential to explore the relationship between the two subjects of “civil liability” and “environmental protection” to analyze the mechanisms of the former in determining the compensation of damages incurred by the latter.
This is a descriptive-analytic research using library and note-taking and by referring to laws and regulations and literature.
The findings showed that due to the failure of mechanisms of offense-based civil liabilities in compensating environmental damages, it can be beneficial to use strict civil liability based mechanisms, environmental responsibilities, insurance, and environmental damages fund. However, the approach of international environmental law in this field is to humanize the category of environment.
Lack of mandatory environmental responsibilities for polluting businesses and lack of regulations on environmental damages fund are the most important challenges for a civil liability system in Iran to be effective in compensating for environmental damages.
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Hakimian, A. M. et al. (2021). Feasibility of using the rule of respect as the basis of guarantee due to damage to the environment. The Quarterly Journal of Excellence in Law, 12(1), 82-109. (In Persian)
Firouzabadi, H. et al. (2020). Civil liability due to environmental damages. The Quarterly of Medical Law, 14(54), 183-213. (In Persian)
Hosseini Hajivar, Y. M. et al. (2021). The effect of fine dust on the health of society and the realization of the government's civil liability in Iranian law. The Journal of Medical Sciences of Islamic Azad University of Iran, 31(1), 49-69. (In Persian)
Panahandeh, B., & Ranjbar, M. R. (2019). Examining the foundations and legal documents caused by environmental damage in Iranian law, The Quarterly Journal of the Legal Research on the International and Iranian Comparative Laws, 12(44), 149-170. (In Persian)
Amid, H. (2020). The Amid Persian Encyclopedia (14th). Tehran: Amirkabir Publisher. (Persian)
Badini, H. (2005). The philosophy of civil liability. Tehran: Publisher Inc. (In Persian)
Jafari Langroudi, M. J. (2015). The law terminology. Tehran: Ganj-e-Danesh Publisher. (In Persian)
Katouzian, N. (2016). Requirements outside the contract, civil liability: The general rules. Tehran: University of Tehran Publisher. (In Persian)
Mousavi Bojnordi, H. (1989). The rules of theology. Qom: Ismaeilian Publisher.
Ismaili, M. (1990). Damage Theory: Examining the necessity of compensation for moral damages and responsibility caused by the loss of benefits and opportunities from the perspective of jurisprudence and comparative law. Tehran: Amirkabir Publisher. (In Persian)
Boyd, J. & Ingberman, D. (1995). Do punitive damages deterrence? Business Law & Eccrmics Center Of Washington University PAR.
Virgo, G. (2006). The principles of the law of restitution (2nd Ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Taghizadeh Ansari, M. (1997). Environmental criminal law. Tehran: Qomes Publisher. (In Persian)
Hosseini, M. S. & Mohamadi, M. (2017). Analyzing human rights on the environment. Bi-quarterly Journal of Islamic Human Rights Studies, 6(12). 129-159. (In Persian)
Ghasemi, N. (2012). Environmental criminal law. Tehran: Khorsandi Publisher. (In Persian)
Mashadi, A. (2013). The right to a healthy environment: The Iranian-French model. Tehran: Mizan Publisher (In Persian).
Allahdadi, I. et al. (2007). The dictionary of environmental terminology. Tehran: Jihad Daneshgahi Publisher. (In Persian)
Katouzian, N. & Ansari, M. (2008). The responsibility for the environmental damage, 38(2). 285-313. (In Persian)
Mashadi, A. & Shahoseini, A. (2016). Prevention of environmental damage in the light of the 2001 Plan of The International Law Commission on the prevention of transboundary damage caused by dangerous activities. Public Law Studies Quarterly, 46(2), 273-295. (In Persian)
Larsson, M. L. (2009). Laws of the environment and environmental damage. Estokholm Institute Law.
Soltani nejad, H. (2015). The comparative study of emotional damage. Tehran: Mizan Danesh. (In Persian)
Emami, H. (2011). The civil law. Tehran: Ismalieh Publisher. (Persian)
Javandel Jananloou, F. (2007). The theoretical bases of liability due to marine oil pollution. Quarterly Journal of Commercial Research, 20(77). 169-188. (In Persian)
Fahimi, A. & Mashadi, A. (2011). Shia jurisprudence and evolution in the foundations of environmental civil liability. The Law Quarterly Journal, 41(1), 313-326. (In Persian)
KHoeini, G. & Karami, S. (2014). The civil liability caused by environmental pollution in Anfal. Bi-quarterly Journal of Knowledge of Civil Rights, 3(1), 59-70. (In Persian)
Mohaghegh Damad, M. S. & Pourshoushtari, M. (2013). The nature of liability insurance in Iranian law with a comparative approach in English law. Biannual Scientific Journal of Comparative Law, 1(2), 3-20. (In Persian)
Taghizadeh Ansari, M. (2016). The international laws of environment. Tehran: Khorsandi publisher. (In Persian)
Kazmier J. (2008). The health care laws (1st). Charleston: Cengage Learning.
Badini, H. & Jafari Chalshtari, M. (2018). An analytical and critical approach to the international documents of the system of responsibility and compensation in oil pollution caused by sea transportation. International Laws Journal, 35(58), 89-113. (In Persian)
The Sustainable Development Commission of Iran Chamber of Commerce (2021, Feb). Environmental liability insurance should be made mandatory in the 7th development plan (The thematic report). Retrieved from Payam-e-Ma newspaper, 2212
Moshirpour, F. (2010). The performance of the International maritime organization in the field of responsibility and compensation for environmental damage. Legal Research Quarterly, 11, 173-198. (In Persian)